Rochester, N.Y.: #BLM rioters swarm a restaurant and knock over the dining tables.
— Andy Ngô (@MrAndyNgo) September 5, 2020
Black Lives Matter rioters try to break into apartment buildings.
— Ian Miles Cheong (@stillgray) September 5, 2020
WHY are the patrons complying with BLM? Where is Law Enforcement? It isn't as if this is something brand-new in Rochester, it's been going on for over a week there. It's time for ALL Americans to pay visits to their Constitutional Sheriffs and demand action against these Mayors and Governors who are ignoring this insanity. Call in the Guard and put their leadership and Law Enforcement leadership in charge of these cities temporarily. What are we WAITING for?!
you have to remember BLM and Antifa they are all hate group they demand action just like Obama and his administration started these groups of moron after 8 years of his presidency that's where the problem occurs.
I blame all on Obama and his administration.
Obummer set all this up, he still pulls the strings in the background, and Trump is powerless because these people have the protection of the deep state. That's why Trump needs to assume total authority over the country and drain the swamp. Otherwise nothing will ever change. Our freedom and liberties are in jeopardy.
Bingo! that's the reason why I said Obummer and his administration should have been in jail a long time a go
The rot in society started when this half-black Kenyan was elected into office. His whole presidency was a sham and an insult to Americans. His sham birth certificate, his sham SSN. He, like the mafia dons before hoim live the good lfe on their ill-gotten gains
With all the democratic mayors allowing this shit to go on I think the President should arrest them, convict them and sentence them. Put conservatives in to run all these cities.
BLM and antifa will be declared terrorist organizations before you know it. Trump already announced that and I am sure he is working on making this forma.
The BLM (Burn, Loot, Murder) thugs woulkd soon loose support if people knew the truth about the organization and where the money goes ! Bill O'Rielly has a video that traces the roots and where the money ends up. ALSO: all the companies that have sent millions of dollars to support the SCAM !
The governor of NY tell the President Newyokers don't get bully tell me what is BLM and Antifa doing