
Sir Maejor Page appeared via video conference before a judge in U.S. District Court Friday afternoon, just hours after he was arrested on federal charges of wire fraud and money laundering. Page was arrested during a raid by FBI agents at his home in Toledo. The charges stem from fundraising activity Page was allegedly involved in as part of a non-profit organization he set up and ran over the last four years, and carry hefty maximum sentences (between 10-20 years in jail, and fines between $250,000-500,000 each), though the prosecutor indicated the recommended amount of jail time would likely be much lower.

Following the court appearance, Page was ordered released pending his trial on a $10,000 unsecured bond. In addition to the bond, Page agreed to a series of restrictions, including an order not to use Facebook, engage in fundraising activities, or to open any bank account or line of credit -- without written permission from the court -- for the duration of the proceedings.

According to a press release sent out by the FBI, a complaint was filed with the FBI’s National Threat Operations Center in April alleging Page was fraudulently utilizing a Black Lives Matter non-profit organization by way of misrepresentations and by posing as a Black Lives Matter leader.

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  •  I do not understand why any judge would agree to release PAGE by accepting a UN-secured $10,000 bond and agree to a unlisted series of restrictions.  He should a the very minimum be required to wear a ankle bracelet and monitored whenever he leaves his home and tracked for all the time he is outside a specified distance or time period.

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