
  • Be careful NOT to Judge someone until you've walked 2 full moons in their shoes. as a Native American, African, European I've experienced HATE all my life. UNIL I RECIEVED A GOOD EDUCATION (and needed to know the difference from RIGHT and WRONG, taught from Grandfather) paid for by my Black/Indian GRANDFATHER-!!! The HATE comes from Both Sides for many Generations after Generations. Hate the Indian and The Indians Hate the Whites, Indian on Indian, Whites on Blacks, the Blacks to Whites and so forth.Black on Black, if this is all you have been taught, that will be all you know. This HATE is pushed by Politicians and Media (LIES) at least that's my experience... I'm do not justifly any of this, just stating what I been through

  • This people only know one word HATE 

  • what does he call the shooting of black children

  • He is stating that riots and violence are the product of oppression.... and he is partially correct.  However, incitement to riot and its use as a political tool is not to be condoned nor is it lawful. There are two separate issues being addressed here ... One is the use of riots (planned violence) as a political tool and the other issue is spontaneous riot in response to massive unchecked grievances.  The latter is not planned nor does it present itself as a repetitive tactic used to obtain one's goals. 


  • Snowflakes.

    • Being right doesn't mean things will change for the better... in fact, being correct and doing nothing effective to correct the wrong... adds to our problems.  Knowing what is right is not the same thing as DOING WHAT IS CORRECT.

      To know to do good and then to allow evil to exist is, in fact, the worst scenario... as it indicates a lack of moral character to take the steps necessary to fix the problem.   In the larger aspects of our social order, the conservative is his own worst enemy... leadership once more is needed to organize, motivate, and lead the public to take the action needed. 

      Sadly, America's conservative leadership is unable or unwilling to take the Bull by the Horns and lead us out of this mess.   Our movement suffers from a lack of leadership and resourcing.  Without them, we are lost.

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