black lives matter Memes - Imgflip

Black Lives Matter protesters marched on Washington DC Mayor Muriel Bowser's house and surrounded a police precinct after police shot and killed an 18-year-old black man Wednesday afternoon. 

Deon Kay, who had just turned 18, was shot at around 4pm yesterday amid nationwide unrest over police violence. 

Early this morning, a group of around 20 protesters made their way from the scene of the original demonstration outside a police precinct in DC to the street where Mayor Bowser lives. 

The demonstrators can be heard in a video posted by N2Sreports chanting: 'If we don’t get no justice, you don’t get no sleep.'

They spent around an hour outside the property, arguing with cops who arrived at the request of a neighbor, before a larger police presence drove to the scene and they left.   

Earlier Kay's mother Natasha told The Washington Post: 'They took my baby, they just took my baby from me. I need my son back, I want my son back.' 

Black Lives Matter D.C. tweeted: 'Don't let MPD control the narrative! Police lie! We're on our way.'

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