BLM Marxists - Imgflip

A spokesman for the national Black Lives Matter organization suggested a New York-based Black activist who called for an independent investigation of the group’s finances is illegally using the BLM name.

Hawk Newsome, the leader of an unaffiliated organization called Black Lives Matter Greater New York, criticized BLM co-founder Patrisse Cullors, a self-identified “trained Marxist,” for presenting herself as a socialist while at the same time purchasing four homes across the U.S. since 2016 for a total of $3.2 million.

“If you go around calling yourself a socialist, you have to ask how much of her own personal money is going to charitable causes,” Newsome told the New York Post on Sunday. “It’s really sad because it makes people doubt the validity of the movement and overlook the fact that it’s the people that carry this movement.”

Newsome added that “black firms and black accountants” need to audit BLM Global Network Foundation (BLM), the group that Cullors co-founded and currently leads, and “find out where the money is going.”


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  • love those who claim to be oppressed but are living affluently

  • BLACK LIVES MATTER is a hate group that wants to destroy the foundation of America thanks to Obama.

  • BLM is a terroist org and nothing more. All their money should be seized and used to proscute the criminals they have gotten out of jail

  • The rules are for the "little" people, while us on top are exempt - typical BLM bull!

  • Just like Al Sharpton, millions back in Federal Income Taxes and nothing ever done.  If this organization, blm, is not a 501-3C tax exempt organization, why isn't the IRS investigating them already?

  • Typical of Marxist - get rich, while telling everyone else that they are being treated fairly.  Then demand everybody pay their fair share to others, but of course they don't include themselves in that equation.  I can't understand how anyone who is remotely aware of history doesn't know this.

    • What you said Martha is typical of all liberals.

    • They don't want to know. There are way too many ignorant people, that's how Democrats get elected.

    • Klaus, do you mean ignorant or just plain stupid??

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