
  • Bob, Your Sheriff is a personal problem that needs fixing within the jurisdiction of the Authority the Office Represents. The problem with All Official Positions is they are filled with Human Beings. There is just no way around it, but One can never give up because of "One Bad/Weak Individual." Fight like Hell and replace them. Even if you lose, you did your best and tried!

    Lynn Bryant DeSpain

    Lynn Bryant DeSpain

  • There is nothing "Fair" about Life. Life is inherently "Unfair." The very most anyone can do is attempt to Right Wrongs when we come across them.

    Lynn Bryant DeSpain

  • Then we must stop them-by whatever means 

  • Constitution Of the States !   Beat the SOB,s at their own game ! 

    • Theodore, they won't obey a COS any more than they obey the Constitution now!!!!!!!!!!


    • No, the criminal Marxists Dem's will attack any COS that recalls them... claiming it to be illegitimate. That is the historic pattern where similar events have taken place.  The Marxist will simply have their puppets in the courts rule the COS illegal... improperly convened, wrongfully staffed, etc.

      However, a COS that recalls the government by Amendment will give legal cover to the people... for the physical removal of the criminals in DC and around the country... It will sanction dragging the criminals in office, screaming and kicking, to trial and justice for their crimes.  If a COS is able to pass and ratify an amendment that recalls the current government, tens of millions will take heart and rise up to kick the Marxist operatives out the door and into waiting prison cells.

  • Not fair, our police don't have power, why should they? 

    • There is nothing fair about totalitarian rule and the Marxists are experts at being tyrants...

  • The one we have is a devildemocommiecrat with an R behind his name because many people vote party rather than person.  In Oklahoma everyone can vote in primaries so registered  democrats vote for their guy in the reopublican primary!!!!!

  • With the exception of a Federal Law being broken, or Law being broken on Federal Lands or Native American Soil, the Sheriff holds absolute authority over all Law Enforcement until the Sheriff invites them in to assist or take over. The reason being, the Sheriff is the "Elected Law Enforcement" for the Area by those Citizens, and recognized First by them as Their Legal Enforcement. The Sheriff can actually, with the above exceptions, tell the others, "To go to Hell!"

    Lynn Bryant DeSpain

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