A Yale medical doctor says of the new patients diagnosed with the coronavirus, more than half have been vaccinated.
Dr. Harvey Risch joined War Room to explain the vaccine “bait and switch” of public health officials, which are using a totally different standard for efficacy than they are letting on.
“What clinicians are telling me is more than half of the new covid cases that they’re seeing to treat is people who’ve been vaccinated,” Dr. Risch said. “They’ve estimated 60 percent of new patients they’ve been treating have been people who’ve been vaccinated.”
“They’re afraid that if you say this vaccine is only 50 or 60 percent effective…then people aren’t going to take the vaccine,” Dr. Risch said.
Dr. Risch said it is clear Dr. Fauci has a different agenda than public health, because he won’t address honestly the herd immunity issue.
The Fake vaccine is all about Depopulation
I see a Naturalist Doctor and asked her about the Vaccine. She instantly iinformed me it is not a vaccine. It's an expermental Gene Therapy. They are using people around the world as Guinea Pigs trying to alter our DNA, not to fight a virus that is no deadlier than a mild case of the flu but to trick our immune system into attacking our organs when we get the Virus again.
This is why I will "not" take the vaccine. Dr. Fauci was instrumental in the concocting the Virus along with the Chinese to produce some type of virus strain for whatever purpose, but he was involved. That is why he cannot give an honest or straight answer to anyone.
I have written all my "representatives" several times with evidence that masks are both ineffective and reduce O2 intake to levels below OSHA standards. I havealso told them ALL that virus epidemics/pandemics end when everyone has contracted it or has an effective vacccination, which these are not (they are mostly gene therapy, emergency measures and make some SOME vaccinated people suscepotible to a second attack accompanied by a cytokine storm, probably fatal. To wti: https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2009/04/how-does-a-pandemic-eve...
Also told.....To wit:
Why do I see alot of bluster on this Tea Party blog yet I see no action by any of the respondents? Are all of you afraid? I am constantly sending e-mails and making phone calls to my reps in congress. I ask them if they are afraid of the Democrats and since there are at least 20 TV cameras in the capitol, each manned by the multiple main stream conspiracy news media, why they don't get in front of those cameras and expose the corruption by the Democrats. It takes 1000's of e-mails to get their attention. I am but one person. If you are afraid then get off of this platform. We do not need more BS, we need people who are willing to go off the deep end to expose the corruption. If you live in a Demcrat controlled state then that is even more reason to send e-mails to those Democrqat reps. DO IT NOW!!!
There are many of us doing our part also. What bwe need are non corrupt Republicans to start fighting these loony Dems. The MEDIA is the most important function that needs to be destroyed
Fake virus and lethal vaccines!!!
No vaccine shots for at least five years. Must know if long term it is ok.