
  • "Let them eat ESG"(in the email meme tease)

    ESG stands for environmental, social and governance. This NWO agenda is portrayed as benign and beneficial. Actually, these global corporate smartasses think that business property rights can be matter-of-factly weaponized without recourse,  to promote and force involuntary change.

    #1 What is ESG? (

    I could only bear to read the first installment of their blueprint for total societal control through corporate policy dictates.

    This constitutes business racketeering in these three areas. Strong-arming businesses to these standards is as activist as BLM demanding reparations.

    Business' function in this economy is to follow the lead of the end consumer in its consumer demands.

    No other proper enfranchisement exists since abuse of property rights imposed to control the economy

    is historically criminalized as racketeering. Does Davos think we have forgotten the Railroads and Trusts thuggery?

    We the People call the tune here!

    #1 What is ESG?
    ESG Explained | Article series exploring ESG from the very basics
  • the satanic reset people are running the government and intentionally running the country into despotism!!!!!  Time to start hanging TRAITORS!!!!!!!!!!

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