Yes, we do have laws, but Beijing joe keeps trying to over ride, or "over write" them. Thankfully, governors of the border states have the opportunity and ability to do something about the illegal invasion, by using their own National Guard to help reinforce the Border Patrol.
It is past time that the several States and their elected Governors act to reign in an overreaching federal Government... It is the Constitutional DUTY and RIGHT of the State's to enforce the terms of the Constitution as originally intended and to inform the Federal Government of their Constitutional rights and powers... not the other way around. The People and the State Governments are the sovereign members of our Republic and have established the Federal Government as their executive in administering the contract that created the Republic... the US Constitution.
As such, the several States by contract have the right and a duty to defend their borders until the Federal Government SATISFACTORILY relieves them of that duty. (See Article 4, Section 4 of the US Constitution). Open borders and the current catch and release policies of the Federal Government are in open breach of the Constitution and the federal governments contract with the States to provide secure and well-regulated borders as the State's deem satisfactory to their citizens right to be secure and safe in their homes and businesses from invasion and the many illegal activities associated with the illegal mass migration taking place. To that end, the several states must declare the Federal Government in breach of their contract and that a state of emergency exists in the Republic, such that they must now mobilize their NG troops... sending them to the Southern border... to enforce State Law, as the civil authority may demand of them; while defending the personal, property, and soverign rights of their respective State and its citizens.
There will undoubtedly be federal resistance to such an act... The several States will need to be prepared, as a body, to inform the Federal Government that its court's jurisdiction will not be permitted to strip the citizens and State's of their constitutional right to: defend their property, secure their personal liberty, and retain the state's soverign right to defend its borders. Any attempt to interfere with the lawful due process of local and state authority, as they apprehend, charge, and remove illegal aliens, found in their soverign state, will meet with 'obstruction of justice and interference with law enforcement' criminal charges as a minimum. Such charges will extend to Federal Judges and US Attorneys who may seek to interfere with the execution of state law and or the removal of illegal aliens from their state, as the state deems fit and proper for their security and safety.
The State's must be prepared to resist federal encroachment of their and their citizen's Constitutional rights and privileges ... to enjoy their property, and security without fear of persecution or prosecution by rough federal agents... civil war may become necessary if the Federal Government insists on permitting mass illegal entry and the rape of our local and state citizens and their treasure.
Each state must give notice to the Federal Government that the principal ... "From each according to their ability; too, each according to their need" has NO LICENSE TO OPERATE in our Constitutional Republic. Fiat federal power and that of rouge Justices are hereby terminated... Ending unconstitutional government doesn't require the permission of rouge courts or Federal agencies... It is the duty of the Republic's Member States and the People to adhere to our Constitution and its underlying principles as laid out in the Declaration of Independence... and is tantamount to the precepts and security of our Republican form of government and its Constitution.
I wonder how many of these boarder State Dems voted for xiden, knowing he told them what he was going to do in the first 100 days. Boarder State Dems, guess what, he kept his word! WHAT DID YOU THINK HE WOULD DO???
The Majority of those being apprehended attempting to enter illegally are REPEAT OFFENDERS... they have been deported earlier and should be automatically deported upon attempting to reenter.... instead, the LAWYERS make money processing and defending their illegal entry. It is the greedy lawyers and the cartels now operating in the USA which promote illegal Human Trafficking. Most of the traffic today is carrying drugs or looking to burglarize local residents.
The States need to mobilize the NG and tell the fed if they interfere THEY WILL BE ARRESTED, tried, and sent to prison... for obstruction of justice if they interfere with state law enforcement as they enforce state criminal code and defend against an invasion. TIme to tell Biden and the DHS that Article 4, Section 4 permits the States to defend their borders until the Federal Government properly does the job... and that is obviously not being done. Governors and legislatures need to initiate anti-commandeering and nullification laws... telling the SCOTUS and FED that they either comply or their agents will be arrested and tried ... sent to prison for violating State Law.
The Federal Government was NEVER supposed to have such a hand in CRIMINAL LAW .. they were to have jurisdiction over strictly Federal Property and responsibilities assigned by the Constitution. Immigration is a Federal Power... however, the States retain the right to defend their borders... from an INVASION... illegal entry by millions of illegal aliens IS NOT IMMIGRATION ... it is not solely the duty or jurisdiction of the Federal Government. State's have a constitutional DUTY to defend their borders and to protect its local residents from criminal elements entering illegally.
An invasion along a States Border by aliens who are not crossing legally are not subject only to immigration law... they are subject to state criminal codes and the Constitutional right to defend their borders. states must enforce their criminal statutes including felony trespass, and illegal entry by foreign nationals... make it a state statute. Tell INS and DHS that the state statute is directed at non-immigrants those looking to commit felony trespass and too engage in further criminal activity within the state. That the state intends on apprehending such individuals and immediately deporting them as far south as possible... returning them by the most expedient means and locations. (drop them off in the middle of no where Mexico)
A little too late people! You all need support your Governor regardless of what side of the isle you are from! Why would you want to see your state destroyed by an illegal and senile president????
You voted him mr governor so have your cake and eat it
Yes, we do have laws, but Beijing joe keeps trying to over ride, or "over write" them. Thankfully, governors of the border states have the opportunity and ability to do something about the illegal invasion, by using their own National Guard to help reinforce the Border Patrol.
It is past time that the several States and their elected Governors act to reign in an overreaching federal Government... It is the Constitutional DUTY and RIGHT of the State's to enforce the terms of the Constitution as originally intended and to inform the Federal Government of their Constitutional rights and powers... not the other way around. The People and the State Governments are the sovereign members of our Republic and have established the Federal Government as their executive in administering the contract that created the Republic... the US Constitution.
As such, the several States by contract have the right and a duty to defend their borders until the Federal Government SATISFACTORILY relieves them of that duty. (See Article 4, Section 4 of the US Constitution). Open borders and the current catch and release policies of the Federal Government are in open breach of the Constitution and the federal governments contract with the States to provide secure and well-regulated borders as the State's deem satisfactory to their citizens right to be secure and safe in their homes and businesses from invasion and the many illegal activities associated with the illegal mass migration taking place. To that end, the several states must declare the Federal Government in breach of their contract and that a state of emergency exists in the Republic, such that they must now mobilize their NG troops... sending them to the Southern border... to enforce State Law, as the civil authority may demand of them; while defending the personal, property, and soverign rights of their respective State and its citizens.
There will undoubtedly be federal resistance to such an act... The several States will need to be prepared, as a body, to inform the Federal Government that its court's jurisdiction will not be permitted to strip the citizens and State's of their constitutional right to: defend their property, secure their personal liberty, and retain the state's soverign right to defend its borders. Any attempt to interfere with the lawful due process of local and state authority, as they apprehend, charge, and remove illegal aliens, found in their soverign state, will meet with 'obstruction of justice and interference with law enforcement' criminal charges as a minimum. Such charges will extend to Federal Judges and US Attorneys who may seek to interfere with the execution of state law and or the removal of illegal aliens from their state, as the state deems fit and proper for their security and safety.
The State's must be prepared to resist federal encroachment of their and their citizen's Constitutional rights and privileges ... to enjoy their property, and security without fear of persecution or prosecution by rough federal agents... civil war may become necessary if the Federal Government insists on permitting mass illegal entry and the rape of our local and state citizens and their treasure.
Each state must give notice to the Federal Government that the principal ... "From each according to their ability; too, each according to their need" has NO LICENSE TO OPERATE in our Constitutional Republic. Fiat federal power and that of rouge Justices are hereby terminated... Ending unconstitutional government doesn't require the permission of rouge courts or Federal agencies... It is the duty of the Republic's Member States and the People to adhere to our Constitution and its underlying principles as laid out in the Declaration of Independence... and is tantamount to the precepts and security of our Republican form of government and its Constitution.
I wonder how many of these boarder State Dems voted for xiden, knowing he told them what he was going to do in the first 100 days. Boarder State Dems, guess what, he kept his word! WHAT DID YOU THINK HE WOULD DO???
They know they can get away with anything and everything they want because the "Republicans" (RINOs) are cowards and never fight them as they should.
democrats are not pro anything, they are ANTI AMERICA.
The Majority of those being apprehended attempting to enter illegally are REPEAT OFFENDERS... they have been deported earlier and should be automatically deported upon attempting to reenter.... instead, the LAWYERS make money processing and defending their illegal entry. It is the greedy lawyers and the cartels now operating in the USA which promote illegal Human Trafficking. Most of the traffic today is carrying drugs or looking to burglarize local residents.
The States need to mobilize the NG and tell the fed if they interfere THEY WILL BE ARRESTED, tried, and sent to prison... for obstruction of justice if they interfere with state law enforcement as they enforce state criminal code and defend against an invasion. TIme to tell Biden and the DHS that Article 4, Section 4 permits the States to defend their borders until the Federal Government properly does the job... and that is obviously not being done. Governors and legislatures need to initiate anti-commandeering and nullification laws... telling the SCOTUS and FED that they either comply or their agents will be arrested and tried ... sent to prison for violating State Law.
The Federal Government was NEVER supposed to have such a hand in CRIMINAL LAW .. they were to have jurisdiction over strictly Federal Property and responsibilities assigned by the Constitution. Immigration is a Federal Power... however, the States retain the right to defend their borders... from an INVASION... illegal entry by millions of illegal aliens IS NOT IMMIGRATION ... it is not solely the duty or jurisdiction of the Federal Government. State's have a constitutional DUTY to defend their borders and to protect its local residents from criminal elements entering illegally.
An invasion along a States Border by aliens who are not crossing legally are not subject only to immigration law... they are subject to state criminal codes and the Constitutional right to defend their borders. states must enforce their criminal statutes including felony trespass, and illegal entry by foreign nationals... make it a state statute. Tell INS and DHS that the state statute is directed at non-immigrants those looking to commit felony trespass and too engage in further criminal activity within the state. That the state intends on apprehending such individuals and immediately deporting them as far south as possible... returning them by the most expedient means and locations. (drop them off in the middle of no where Mexico)
A little too late people! You all need support your Governor regardless of what side of the isle you are from! Why would you want to see your state destroyed by an illegal and senile president????
My foot Joe Biden is a joke