The Emancipation Group Statue Will Be Removed, Boston Art ...

The Boston Arts Commission voted unanimously Tuesday night to remove a public monument depicting President Abraham Lincoln standing before a freed slave.

The Emancipation Memorial in Park Square — a replica of the original standing in Washington, D.C. — will be taken down with an art conservator “to document, recommend how the bronze statue is removed, supervise its removal and placement into temporary storage,” the motion reads.

“As we continue our work to make Boston a more equitable and just city, it’s important that we look at the stories being told by the public art in all our neighborhoods,” Boston Mayor Marty Walsh, who supported the statue’s removal, said in a statement.

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  • Private donors to this institution should ask for a return of their funds... and definitely refuse to provide any further support.  We all need to work on influencing the defunding of institutions with boards that are so foolish.

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