A statue depicting former President Abraham Lincoln standing before a freed black man is seen in Boston.

Boston’s mayor is in favor of taking down a local statue of President Abraham Lincoln standing before a freed black man, after a petition was launched for its removal, his office says.

Mayor Marty Walsh’s office added that the pol wants a community discussion about its future and whether a new statue commemorating the end of slavery should be commissioned to take its place, according to the Boston Globe.

The controversial statue, situated in the city’s Park Square, is a replica of the Emancipation Memorial in Washington and shows Lincoln with one hand raised above a kneeling man with broken shackles on his wrists.

The monument was intended to show Lincoln freeing the man from slavery, but a new petition argues that it “instead represents us still beneath someone else.

“It says that it’s a statue that’s supposed to represent freedom. But, to me, it represents submissiveness,” said Tory Bullock, who started the online petition, which had more than 8,300 signatures as of Monday.

“It represents ‘Know your place, because that’s where you belong.'”

Bullock said he’d like to see the statue replaced with a new one that symbolizes equality.

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  • Mr.Bullock is mentally defective, a product of today's misguided public education... Instead of choosing to see the humility and gratefulness displayed by a former slave, as he kneels before the man who gave his life to set him free, is a disgusting indictment of the culture and community that created his hateful and misguided interpretation of this memorial.  This statute doesn't represent oppression or inequality, it represents a sincere acknowledgment of the supreme sacrifice Abraham Lincoln made to end slavery.

    Mr. Bullock's interpretation is not only despicable... it is representative of the product produced by race-baiting ideology and culture.  America is not served well by permitting such ignorant reactionary cultural debasement a place in our public squares.

    • Bullock should inform himself of a little history before sounding off that the image of Lincoln and a freed slave represents submissiveness.

      It is recorded that when Lincoln visted Richmond, Va. in 1865 some former slaves did indeed fall on their knees before Lincoln, to which He replied, "Do not kneel before me, or any other man. You are free men." Those that were kneeling were doing so out of gratitude and appreciation, not submissiveness.

      Bullock is not ignorant. He is stupid. Willfully stupid and promoting a lie. A true democrat.  To the bone.

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