Boston Public Schools officials said that a program with advanced learning classes would be cancelled over concerns that the classes served disproportionate racial groups.
The program known as Advanced Work Classes was intended to serve high-performing students in the fourth, fifth and sixth grade. Students are encouraged to study their subjects in a deeper and non-traditional manner.
School officials became concerned when a report showed that the program was disproportionately serving white students, and underserving black and Hispanic students.
The district analysis found that more than 70% of the students in the program were white or Asian, while nearly 80% of the students in the district are Hispanic or black.
"This is just not acceptable," said School Committee member Lorna Rivera in a school meeting in January. "I've never heard these statistics before, and I'm very very disturbed by them."
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Surely, there will be a "class action" lawsuit against BPS?? SURELY there are 1000s of parents willing to join such a suit!!! GET ON IT!!!
That suggest, to me, those committee members are "mentally incompetent" and need to be replaced ASAP!!
To think that Massachusetts was once known as the cradle of American patriotism; how far they have fallen. Quite sad, really.
isn't that the truth?
That's because they achieved and earned success. If certain grouos do not want to learn, they will not learn. They could set up mentorships with those who learned helping those who didn't, but we pretty much could predict the results. The phrase 'you can lead a horse to water,....." applies.
Just return to segregated schools. Black schools and White Schools and Hispanic Schools.
If that is true then maybe it is not OUR FAULT that these (black and Hispanic students.) don't try hard enough to learn. Both groups in which I grew up with in the 60's and 70's were not stupid if they want to apply themselves.
this is getting so bad it's not even funny.
then shouldn't the football and basketball programs be cancelled since they seem to serve a disproportionate amount of blacks as compared to latinos and aisans