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  • This guy is not a republican. The way he talks and acts right now he acts like a antfia riot inciter.. if he was a true supporter why is he wearing sunglasses on a cloudy day? Is he afraid to show he true identity?

    I am a disabled vet, and i dont condon this message..  We need to let Democracy work and not interfer. 

  • Yep, ancient Israel learned the same lesson several millenia ago. When a nation turns it back on the Almighty Creator and worships the false gods of power and money, it can no longer depend on the protection of Divine Providence. Tyrannical rulers have historically been part of the punishment and penance of a corrupt and immoral people.

    • Pastor John Hagee has stated several times that America has turned into a modern day Sodom and Gomorrah and I agree.  Abortion, homosexuality, and other abominations before God have become national policy funded by the political ruling class over the protests of Christians!!!!!

    • Democrats always believe abortion, and homosexuality is normal for humans to do.

    • Amen brother.

  • With all this clutching of pearls among the Demwits and Bite-Me, what I want to know is,"Where was your outrage last summer when your commie comrades in Antifa and BLM were burning down our cities?!?"  The commie Dems have ALWAYS been hypocrites, but this is the most blatant example of their total hypocrisy!!

    • Joy, very well put!!!!!

  • TRUMP declare Martial Law and stay the President

    • Janet, I agree, martial law is the best thing President Trump can do.  If he doesn't We the People will see tyranny and those calling for tyranny will eventually suffer under the tyranny they want to impose on the rest of us!!!!!

    • Bob I thought pelosi wanted to get control of the military, and since when is she the new command in chief of the military?

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