Mainstream Media Lies Memes - MSM Lies

When Sen. Bob Dole accepted the Republican nomination for president in 1996, his speech hit on the themes of “honor, decency and straight talk.” He proudly mentioned the great Republican Abraham Lincoln and explicitly denounced racism.

“The Republican Party is broad and inclusive. It represents many streams of opinion and many points of view. But if there’s anyone who has mistakenly attached themselves to our party in the belief that we are not open to citizens of every race and religion, then let me remind you — tonight this hall belongs to the party of Lincoln. And the exits, which are clearly marked, are for you to walk out of as I stand this ground without compromise,” Dole said.

The speech was held up in 2016 as an example of how wonderful Republican candidates for president used to be before Donald Trump. So it’s interesting to also look back at how this speech was received by its critics. For example, then-Senior White House Adviser George Stephanopoulos called it “partisan, negative and divisive.”

Fast-forward 24 years to the present. Once again a prominent Republican gives a speech with themes of honor and decency and straight talk. Once again the prominent Republican explicitly and repeatedly denounces racism. The Republican praises Andrew Jackson, Ulysses S. Grant, Frederick Douglass, the Wright Brothers, the Tuskegee Airmen, Harriet Tubman, Clara Barton, Jesse Owens, George Patton, Louie Armstrong, Alan Shepard, Elvis Presley, Muhammad Ali, Walt Whitman, Mark Twain, Irving Berlin, Ella Fitzgerald, Frank Sinatra, and Bob Hope.

And once again critics claim that the speech is “dark and divisive.”

But this time the commentary and narrative-shaping pushback that used to be left to Democratic activists such as George Stephanopoulos are now handled by corporate media activists like, well, George Stephanopoulos. OK, maybe it’s not such a significant difference after all. But it’s still noteworthy that the corporate media activists are doing what used to be left to official party activists.

The “dark and divisive” line above came from The New York Times, in what was falsely presented as a “news” report on the speech. The Washington Post’s Robert Costa and Philip Rucker claimed in a screed bizarrely not labeled as opinion, “Trump’s push to amplify racism unnerves Republicans who have long enabled him.”
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  • The first amendment gives us the right of free speech, and a free press(media) amoung other freedoms, keeping government control and intrusion from interfering with our basic rights. A well informed populace being essential to maintaining a free country. However it does not preclude the media from being controlled by groups other than the government, we have no protection from that. Now most of the media is controlled by the left, it has become the propaganda machine for Socialists,Communists, and all the other sub-groups that hate America. They do their lying, misinforming, and braining washing as best they can. Most prople get their news from the media, if they pay attention at all. The democrats have become the party of hate, lies, and sedition. We are one election from losing everything that America stands for, and a large portion of the world depends on.

    • we are not living under the constitution anymore.


    • We do not want government controlled media. What we need is a return somehow to a biblical world view, that among the Christian aspects, also held to God, Country, Family, Truth, Puritan Work Ethic, Neighborhood, E Pluribus Unum. The Church sat by while Roe v Wade, the opinion that isn't law, was lifted up over the country and over God. 11 years later, the 1st mass murder by guns (worded that way on purpose, I refuse to say mass shooting), then the church sat by while Kim Davis was hauled off to jail and another fake law was lifted up as real law, and because of THAT one, we now have the travesty of homosexuality as a god paraded around just like sodom and gamorrah. Homosexuality is now celebrated on  all 7 mountains of culture and is embedded. Even Trump has been duped by his dupes to support LGBTQ garbage. He said he would love to have someone LGBTQ in some position. LGBTQ acceptance led to the even more despicable transgender god now paraded around in front of the church, on the Washington Mall and now forced upon us by the witchcraft bound SCOTUS. And the church has yet to organize and get politically active. The church in America is more like a bunch of dress up dolls going to the theater. They politely clap, say wonderful, wonderful, and go home. Pastors offer milk not meat and certainly not war and activism, which is what we need. We need a modern day Black-Robed Regiment.

      We actually should have a huge voice, but I STILL don't see any hue and cry checking out local schools and what kind of political propaganda is being taught to their own little ones. I know of one who does. And I belong to a large church. I know of one who actually got up, ran for school board, campaigned, was elected and has remained on the board. Until people organize locally and go to their Mayor's office, their Legislature's offices, and the Governor's office, we have no voice. When we have a voice, maybe the media will straighten up.

    • Jea9, I agree and some groups want more than equal rights. We have freedom of religion, and the churchs were a main way of getting information to the populace during our revolution against England. There is one "religion" that hates everything America stands for it was the first real enemy of America.The left embraces it although it will kill them without a second thought when the time comes. When I was in grade school we said the Lord's Prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance every morning at the beginning of the school day. I'll bet most childern today don't know either. God help us and have mercy on us.


    • We said the Pledge every day, but not the Lord's Prayer. Over a decade ago, Glen Beck, in one of his moments of brilliance, stated that that religion and the left in America that was going more and more left, would hook together, use each other and then one would destroy the other, just as you say. The left is clueless about a simple thing such as the barbarian mindset, which never evolves, it stays the same, century after century. Steal, Kill, Destroy. Sounds familiar, doesn't it?

    • Jea9, Yes it sounds very familiar. Looks like we're in the same book on the same page. I was in grade school in the 1950's in New England before the left got total control of the school system. I really like Glen Beck, I learned a lot from him watching him on tv during the obamanation years when I could only get short term contract jobs because of the bad economy.


  • Many of us do not believe a thing that comes out of their mouths. Conservatives have other outlets especially Talk radio. 

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