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  • At least in Brazil the cops are with the people....we didn't have that. I wonder if their military got involved, which side would they support?

  • satan rules the world and it is only going to get worse!!!!!  In California they just passed a law that says police can be fired or candidates denied if they refuse to bow to the lgbtq gang of gender deniers that say gender is whatever someone decides it is!!!!!  They also have designated conservative & Christian groups as hate groups!!!!!  Persecution, the physical kind, will be starting very soon!!!!!  I read about the "biden bucks" plan that replaces cash with digital money that can be devalued based on groups we belong to, candidates we vote for, social media posts, etc. that don't adhere to the satanic global agenda!!!!!!!!!!  I daily pray asking God to pour the Holy Spirit out on the nation to bring revival that will return America to being the shining city on a hill it was established to be!!!!!!!!!!

    • Persecution is all ready here it's been here ever since Obama took office

  • The Devil is in control of everything that is happening to the world and people should pray and put God in front good always prevail against evil and Satan is trying to take as many as he can with him when Jesus returns. We must defeat evil and Satan and tell our Lord that Jesus is in charge 

    • I agree with you Loenzo Gonzalez 100% what you said is so true I am sorry if I come the way that I did toward you  I wish someone get what you said.

    • We can't  defeat the Devil because humanity give him that power

    • If you give it, you can take it back!

    • I agree with you 100%

  • Listen people Bible prophecy is being fulfilled right in front of our eyes and Demonic force is ruling the world what do we expect?

    • You are so correct and it is only going to get worse.

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