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  • Let them be "SECRET" Unto ONLY Themselves for ever more:  A chrome powered swirling disappearance into the porcelain waters.

  • Bring back the former head of the Secret Service before the committee that questioned her.  Place her under oath.  Ask her exactly this, “Who was the person who told you to allow the assassination to take place without interruption?”  If she answers “there was no one person responsible,” then ask, “Then, who were those people who required you to allow the assassination to take place without interruption?”  If she says there was no one person or group responsible, then it should be declared that it was her decision, and her decision alone, that allowed the assassination to take place without interruption.  She should then be placed immediately into custody.  Then, then, watch her talk without hesitation!  Our legislators are far, far too gentle on those we hold responsible.

    • DITTO JOHN; That's the right procedure.

    • Way to go - - - trap her with her own denials and the needed information would come flooding forth!!


  • WE ALL KNOW the propaganda machine is running full tilt 24/7/365.  You can no longer believe anything the so called press puts out and ususally the TRUTH is the complete opposite of what they say.  I would bet the REAL numbers would say Demons at 37% and TRUMP Republicans at 63%.  The Demons know they will not be able to steal this election like they did last time, so they are full tilt making it possible for ILLEGAL ALIENS TO VOTE!!!!!  WAKE UP!  MUSK HAS!!!  For 60 years it's always been worse than I thought at any given time!  Always, 100%!!!  I can't imagine how bad it really is right now!!!!  ANYONE that stands up to the FEDS will be attacked, put in prison or killed, period!!!  It's going to take MILLIONS OF MAGAs to change the direction of this 3rd World Nation!!!!!  GOD BLESS our kids!!!  They are going to need it!

    • These COMMY SCUM have the gaul to destroy OUR KID'S Country. ! ! ! They Need to be ELIMINATED. 

  • NOTHING EVER HAPPENS TO THE BAD GUYS, which are all the individuals running all the FED AGENCIES, ALL OF THEM!!!  We are an official 3rd World Country!!!!!!  The last election was stolen!  How many have been stolen in the past?  I would bet LOTS OF THE ELECTIONS WERE STOLEN!!!  The FED GOVERNMENT has turned on the American People!  They stagged an INVASION and nothing ever happens to them, NOTHING!  Right now, we all know the O'Biden Crime Family has gotten away with TREASON!  Nothing ever happens!!!!!!!!!!!

  • In some ways this is not a bad idea; but it is election season. There should be protection for the candidates and other individuals. So who would provide protection.  Would individuals pay for their own protection and then be reimbursed by the government?  I can just imagine the cheating that would occur on that system!

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