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  • How will the left get around it? You know they'll find a way!

  • They want racism. They can't survive without racism!

  • Yep, equality of opportunity based upon demonstrated merit and ability is both a constitutional and noble objective. Now we need to seriously reduce the size and number of federal government grants that fund scientific reasearch in our public and private universities, and prevent this research from being purloined by "students" who may be more loyal to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) than to the United States. We must always remember that the communist ideologue does not accept or even recognize the concept of property "theft", including intellectual property which is recognized in our Constitutiion in patent law. Some of these students are likely to reject the concept of property in general.and may have been indoctrinated into the Marxist belief that only the CCP (the State) is authorized to select when, where, how and by whom it will be used and who will benefit, or not. To the CCP ideologue, all the fruits of one's labor or study are the "property" of the People's Republic of China so they cannot be "stolen".

  • I'd say Halalueliah, but I am wondering who is going to police the colleges and universities to make certain they comply!

    The dissolution of affirmative action should not only be applied to schools, but also to organizationsl

  • Amen affirmative  action needs to be thrown in  the  trash can and then burned 🔥 

  • Affirmative Action needed to go years ago.  It is time for it to die.

  • There is going to be a civil war if this insanity doesn't stop soon

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