
  • US world leadership at its best!!! We lead the world in our response to the kung flu: most testing by far, best medicines, best vaccine development, etc etc. Who doesn't love Trump?


    Our country must cut all ties with the un. eminent domain all un properties and let them (the un and all its associatiations) go to Europe, red russia or red china, and good riddence.

  • Now, withdraw the United States from the UN and cancell their lease in America, they are a terrorist supporting organization!!

  • Now, we must officially withdraw from the UN, close down the office in NYC and stop all funding!

  • We better get on the ground in November, knock on doors and get folks to vote if we want to see change permanently.  iTake back  the House and kep Trump in office.

  • I agree

  • Good Now we need to withdraw from the UN.

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