Jesus said "ask and you shall receive, seek and you shall find, and knock and the door shall be opened." I've heard this explained as "keep on asking" "keep on seeking" and "keep on knocking" and you shall receive, find, and the door shall be opened. 

Lawsuits the last few years have been like that. One way to take back power when we seem to be powerless, because sometimes we win. 

Here is one scheduled before the Supreme Court on January 6th 2023.  It may seem like a long shot, but it is something to pray about, and

you can write letters of support to the Supreme Court (They have 50,000 so far.)

and share the story.

Here is the actual complaint: 

There are details here:  and

The premise is this: "On January 6, 2021, the 117th Congress held a proceeding and debate in Washington DC (“Proceeding”).  Proceeding was for the purpose of counting votes under the 2020 Presidential election for the President and Vice President of the United States under Amendment XII.  During this Proceeding over 100 members of U.S. Congress claimed factual evidence that the said election was rigged.  The refusal of the Respondents to investigate this congressional claim (the enemy) is an act of treason and fraud by Respondents. A successfully rigged election has the same end result as an act of war; to place into power whom the victor wants, which in this case is Biden, who, if not stopped immediately, will continue to destroy the fundamental freedoms of Brunson and all U.S. Citizens and courts of law. Due to the fact that this case represents a national security breach on a unprecedented level like never before seen seriously damaging and violating Brunson and coincidently effects every citizen of the U.S.A. and courts of law. Therefore, Brunson moves this court to grant this petition, or in the alternative without continuing further, order the trial court to grant Brunson’s complaint in its fullest."

Those in power have assumed that they could do whatever they wanted.  They used the shock and drama of the day to pressure congress members to ignore and forget the evidence they had planned to discuss and to pretend it did not exist, but anyone who has paid attention knows there is evidence that would fill a room, if only the judges would allow it to be entered into evidence and examined to see where it leads.  Meanwhile, all agencies have been weaponized against ordinary Americans, and we are hearing of new evidence that the FBI colluded with social media to silence and censor stories that likely would have affected voters and the outcome of the election.  We must continue this fight or lose all our rights in a matter of months. Some have already lost them.

Please pray for these Supreme Court justices for wisdom and courage to fairly consider the issues in this petition.  Please write letters of support and spread the word,

as our mainstream media is not likely to report on it. 

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