
  • To imagine that someone so incapable, so unqualified, and so disgustingly immoral could even be considered as a candidate for the office of president of The United States of America is beyond appalling. The Democratic Party is like a magnet for the most corrupt individuals on planet Earth. Going back to the 33rd degree freemasons, FDR and Truman, and right up to the present, every democrat president has moved us another step closer to communism.

    The New World Order wants another world war and the democrats are determined to give it to them no matter what it takes. Kamala Harris, like Biden, is just another mindless buffoon that will follow her instructions to the letter. The POTUS is supposed to be a person of good character, sound judgment, and determined to do what’s best for the citizens of this country. That set of criteria immediately disqualifies every democrat politician in America.

  • When the Hyena opens her stupid mouth, it’s a lie.

  • We can pour our entire national treasure into climate change measures,but until India, China, and Russia do the same, nothing we do will tip the global temperatures one iota. We are bankrupting ourselves in pursuit of a holy grail that is not achievable unless all major powers comply. I don't see it happening and we should stop our wasteful spending. We've already reduced our pollution more than all of the other industrialized nations put together. The Green New Deal has been nothing more than a vehicle for the Dems to shovel money to their favored businesses and all it is getting us is a devalued dollar, massive inflation, and massive debt.

  • Such a lying worthless broad

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