
  • see it now----

  • Could we make a "side note" questioning if Many Democrats across the nation are Leftist "SATANIC SYMPATHIZERS" and  while tolerant of one anothers horrendous sins are "UNITED" in their prime focus of Destroying Trump--------------We NEED TO HAVE TRUMP'S BACK ...!!...!!!

    • Richard, I certainly agree 100%; however, I do not know how we a normal citizens can contribute to watching Trump's back.   I hope to hell he has substantial and very good security surrounding him at all times because he must at all times be under  a real threat on his life!

    • MIKE:  WE are Working on that........


  • Not a moron, but rather demonic!!!!!!!!!!

  • I have posted on this site many times, but this is by far the most significant post I have ever made!
    This will change your life (if you read it)!  It is based entirely on Bible scripture and prophesy and is extremely well researched and presented.  Our country and the world seem to be screwed up beyond belief.  It appears that, "RIGHT IS WRONG AND WRONG IS RIGHT", and our entire country has gone mad!   This book explains in detail what is happening at this time in history and what will happen to the United States and Great Britain at "the time of the end", which appears to me to be relatively near!   If you want to know what is actually going on in the world, I urge you with all my heart to read this book!  I suggest that you first read Chapter 1, 4, and 5.  After that you can read 2 and 3 to get the history.

    “I am God, and there is none like Me, declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times things that are not yet done, saying, ‘My counsel shall stand, and I will do all My pleasure’” (Isaiah 46:9-10)…
  • This is good to hear that Dem voters are getting pissed as well. It just turns them into Trump supporters once they see the light.

  • "BoBo"  yell

  • Good for her. Say it loud and clear.

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