Those iconic words once filled the hearts and minds of our nation's youth... the transgender lobby and the nonsense of a woke generation had not yet poisoned the soul of our nation... Hope sprang eternal and the nation trusted in God and His providence.  Such grandeur and peace were uniquely American and we held our heads high. Our leaders were loyal members of our national heritage.  They would have never allowed our Naton's Flag to be burned and tread upon as an expression of free speech.  All that and more have now gone... our nation sits naked before a world looking to strip us of what little we have left.

The American dream has left the room...  A Marxist nightmare has replaced it, its leaders and government are corrupt, and the few who are not cower in the dark recesses of a broken nation.  Constitutional remedies exist but the will to use them does not.  The only hope we have is that several States and their governors will rise up and call for an Article 5 convention... to pass a RECALL AND TERM LIMITS AMENDMENT

We must include a Term Limits provision in the Amendment... too, limit all elected and appointed officials to ONE TERM. One Term of 6yrs, with 1/3rd of the government standing for election and appointments every 2 yrs, similar to the rotational process used in the US Senate.  We must remove the cancer, and ensure it doesn't return, by limiting the term any single individual may serve in office to... ONE TERM.  Term Limits will destroy the power of incumbency, return the administration of government to citizen politicians who serve one term, and return to their homes and businesses.  A limit of one term in elected office will free up our government leaders from the temptation to buy and sell favors to accumulate more power.  It will end the backroom deals made to finance elections. Term Limits will end the power of lobbyists and monied interests by filling the halls of government with citizen patriots.  No more government by quid pro quo!

We need 34 States to immediately petition Congress for an Article 5 convention... to consider a recall of the entire federal government... every elected and appointed official needs to be. recalled... subject to new elections...Elections held within 90 days of passing the Recall Amendment.

Those who believe the deep state will permit Pres. Trump to become the next president are willfully ignoring reality...  They not only drove their Chevy to the levee... they discovered the banks of a dry river bed and the air filled with the stench of corruption... Where life once thrived the dead now abide. The Marxists will not surrender their ill-gotten power without a fight, 'The people no longer hold the franchise on the Ballot Boxes of America'   Any future election will be RIGGED.  What part of The well of liberty has been poisoned and our votes no longer determine our destiny have we failed to learn?

I left my Chevy at the levy years ago... only to discover the levee never ends... Mankind will never find the water of life in the things of this world... our only true hope is to be found in God and His eternal kingdom... 

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