105 Best Walk away images in 2020 | Walking away, Politics, Democratic party

C-SPAN changed their open phone line labels after an overwhelming number of Democratic viewers called on Wednesday night proclaiming their support for President Donald Trump in the upcoming election.

“I’m a longtime Democrat, born and raised … After watching tonight … I have made up my mind. I am definitely gonna vote for Donald Trump,” said one of the many voters who dialed in.

Before the Republican National Convention, C-SPAN’s open phone lines were labeled as open for “Democrats,” “Republicans,” and “Other” viewers to call into and share their opinions on-air. After Trump’s acceptance speech at the Republican National Convention, however, C-SPAN received an influx of callers who identified as Democrat but said they would be voting for Trump in November.

Due to the increasing nature of these calls, the network adjusted the phone lines to encompass those who “Support Trump,” “Support Biden,” and “Support Others.”

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  • Has anyone given consideration to the most wealthy corporations? Those that the left keep telling us are being given big tax breaks, like amazon, tesla, apple, gates/microsoft, google, twitter, instagram, facebook, youtube, who, by the way always donate big money to the leftists, and hire foreigners for almost all their jobs and backs all these tax raising leftist pukes that are constantly diminishing our rights. So, why are we getting upset when their own constituents and cronies want the taxes raised on them? tax them into oblivion.

    • The problem with abusive taxation, is that it can clumsily act as a form of "cruel and unusual" punishment to free enterprise interested in just being a boon to the Nations economy, and turning a buck for doing so. Many of the giants you list gained their lucrative niches by government dabbling in the marketplace....picking winners and neglecting losers. By allowing competition alone to winnie out the losers and promote the benefically successful, government then ought ONLY to intervene when monopolies exert clout to pre-emptively crush competitors outside of market trial,  and thereby circumvent free-market capital dynamics This is a NO-NO because the whole economy becomes at risk.Think Laissiz-faire, mon frere.

    • Trump’s tax cut was one of his biggest accomplishments in his first term. Let's not change that and let's celebrate this. Look how well the stock market is doing as it hits one record high after another. - BTW a lot of the companies you list aren't independent companies but are part of a larger conglomerate. 

    • that is so true.

  • People with common sense will support the candidate who is interested in their well being.  A candidate who works for their safety.  Of course there will be a surge of support for Trump coming from people who think and who love America. 

    • You are right Frederico. Everyone can see that Trump works for their safety, that he stands between them and riots & chaos which will come upon this land if Biden wins. We endured enough of it under obummer/Biden already. We don't need more of it. 

  • Has anyone ever given a thought to the fact that the Democrats are always thinking of what they can DO TO US, while the Republicans think of how they can DO FOR US? Think about it. Trump is telling us all the good things he wants to do for us and the country and put more power in the hands of the people. While Biden and his cohorts want to take from us, tax us, disarm us, and all the many good things that we have now that we won't have with them. Thus taking the power away from us to live a good life. Why would anyone in their right mind agree to that?

    • that's the different between the communism, sociolism Joe Biden is all about communism, and socialism and Trump is about freedom.


  • C-SPAN did a great job hosting the Republican convention.

  • In California, the Progressivist nest of vipers are seeking to tempt black folk back unto the plantation with a " slavery reparations panel" legislation aimed to lay the groundwork for wealth and property redistribution.. Clearly, an expungement of progressive legislative and regulatory tripe is in Californias' future. BUT a come on of "forty acres and a mule"  just before the 2020 election, absolutely shows the sheer desperation of the Democrat Socialist useful idiots. Having failed to complete their long term intended purpose, it will be a pleasure to watch the Technocrat Oligarchs let them walk into their just desserts. Next must be a Nuremburg justice for the Oligarch criminals for crimes against Humanity (and I don't mean by the UN or Brussels).

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