Just think this nut job wants to be president one day. California is in a deep sleep and needs to wake up. He wants to blame anything but his socialist anti God agenda.
Sure! There hasn't been this many white surpremacists in California ever - another lie from the mouth of the biggest liar, well, next to Auntie Pelosi. What am idiot!!
Jeff Noncent > Edie FaylorMarch 16, 2021 at 8:47am
What are they going to do since they are white people?
Melanie Bruno > Jeff NoncentMarch 16, 2021 at 12:38pm
They'll probably resort to what Rachel Dalezal (sp) did: pretend to be Black and then lie about it, then, when they get caught, they'll still lie and no one will hold them accountable.
Anyone who listens to the idiots on CNN, MSNBC, CBS should have his/her head examined!!
I agree with you 100%
Theren they go with that White Supremes lie again. The Supremes were all black. Anyone with a clue knows that!!!
Just think this nut job wants to be president one day. California is in a deep sleep and needs to wake up. He wants to blame anything but his socialist anti God agenda.
We're not all asleep. We know that Obama, Biden and that whole gang are as full of shit as a stuffed turkey (as the expression goes).
Sure! There hasn't been this many white surpremacists in California ever - another lie from the mouth of the biggest liar, well, next to Auntie Pelosi. What am idiot!!
What are they going to do since they are white people?
They'll probably resort to what Rachel Dalezal (sp) did: pretend to be Black and then lie about it, then, when they get caught, they'll still lie and no one will hold them accountable.
tar and feathers and down the rail
Why doesn't he join the white Supremacist group himself after all he is a white man?