
  • Anyone who listens to the idiots on CNN, MSNBC, CBS should have his/her head examined!!

    • I agree with you 100%

  • Theren they go with that White Supremes lie again. The Supremes were all black. Anyone with a clue knows that!!!

  • Just think this nut job wants to be president one day. California is in a deep sleep and needs to wake up. He wants to blame anything but his socialist anti God agenda.


    • We're not all asleep. We know that Obama, Biden and that whole gang are as full of shit as a stuffed turkey (as the expression goes).

  • Sure!  There hasn't been this many white surpremacists in California ever - another lie from the mouth of the biggest liar, well, next to Auntie Pelosi.  What am idiot!!

    • What are they going to do since they are white people?

    • They'll probably resort to what Rachel Dalezal (sp) did: pretend to be Black and then lie about it, then, when they get caught, they'll still lie and no one will hold them accountable.


  • tar and feathers and down the rail

  • Why doesn't he join the white Supremacist group himself after all he is a white man?

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