
  • Big Energy needed to make up for its revenue losses due to the economic shut down over COVID... these moguls of energy production want it all... profits without production or any REAL COMPETITION... in violation of the US Anti-Trust Laws and laws governing price gouging and fixing... and yes there was colllusion to fix the prices... an entire war is beging waged to recover the lost revenues.

    There IS NO SHORTAGE OF CRUDE or fossil fuels... the US has the world's largest known reserves of coal and natural gas... and probably crude if the truth were published.   We are swimmng in a glut of oil and other fossil fuels.. most of which are being produced on FEDERAL LANDS... leases.  

    The American Public is being ROBBED of the wealth it has in fossil fuels... and other natural resources.  America can pay off our national debt, stabilize our currency, and provide a great standard of living for all of our citizens if our natural resources were being managed for the benefit of all our citizens and not just the wealthy who can leverage their wealth to develop our resources...

    It is time to review all leases on federal lands... especially those that produce revenues from our natural resources. We must ensure the public is receiving a proper share of the wealth generated. As it stands now they are being ROBBED BLIND by opportunists and frankly criminal conspirators looting our resources.  New leasaes need to be issued where improper, frauduent, or other illegal acts were used to obtain the lease.  Trillions of Dollars are being generated from our US natural resources and the public is being robbed of their share.

    Big Energy Companies need to be put on notice... that their boards and CEOs are going to be held accountable for price gauging, fixing, and other anti-trust violations once the government is managed by pro-US interests.  Today's windfall may be tomorrow's ticket to prison.

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