California: Hair Salon Raided by Consumer Agency Cops


A Stockton hair salon was raided last week by armed, body armor-wearing cops from the Department of Consumer Affairs, for being open and ignoring Governor Gavin Newsom’s statewide small business shutdown.

Did anyone know the California Department of Consumer Affairs has its own armed police force?

Fox49 reported Pomp Hair Salon owners Vicki Kirk and Dino Ballin, husband and wife, were accused of violating an emergency order by the state Board of Barbering and Cosmetology requiring them to follow the lockdown emergency order. The original orders are from the governor and California Health and Human Services agency, along with county public health agencies.

“I just want to earn a living and we all want to do it safely,” Kirk told Fox40 News. “We have strict safety protocols here, and we will continue to do so.”

“We just want to keep our homes. We just want to feed our families.”

After the early “non-essential” business restrictions were imposted in March, the salon eventually reopened after hair stylists begged for work, Fox40 reported.

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  • Orders are NOT LAW. These people are ALL TYRANTS. No one has the right to shut down business and livlihoods, keeping people from surviving. This is a nightmare.

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