California Law Would End Careers of Doctors who Disagree on Covid Policy

The story, written by a professor specializing in epidemiology and health policy at Stanford Medical School, explains “a proposed California law threatens to make such dissent career-ending by handing the state the power to strip medical licenses from doctors who disagree with government positions on Covid.”  Later: “According to California Assembly Bill 2098, physicians who deviate from an authorized set of beliefs would do so at risk to their medical license. The bill, written by Assemblyman Evan Low, a Democrat in Silicon Valley, and currently making its way through the California Legislature, is motivated by the idea that practicing doctors are spreading “misinformation” about the risks of Covid, its treatment, and the Covid vaccine. It declares that physicians and surgeons who “disseminate or promote misinformation or disinformation related to COVID-19, including false or misleading information regarding the nature and risks of the virus, its prevention and treatment; and the development, safety, and effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines” shall be subject to “disciplinary action,” which could result in the loss of the doctor’s medical license.”


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  • Isn't that the goal, unless they do and say as the government wants.....they cannot be doctors. The truth be damned!

    it's a disease that going around America on all levels, all companies, schools. Soon you can only be educated if you are a leftist! 

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