California schools are using COVID relief payments for teacher bonuses and a union has jokingly requested a trip to Hawaii using the money - even as classrooms are still closed, internal memos have revealed.
The memos, shared online by the group Reopen California Schools, appear to show that some school districts have been using state and federal COVID relief money on educator bonuses instead of getting kids back into classrooms.
'I've been inundated with reports of school districts spending state and federal COVID relief money on substantial one-time bonuses to teachers and administrators instead of spending them on getting kids back in classrooms or to curb learning loss,' the group tweeted.
'You'd think this money would be spent on PPE, supplies, and programs for kids. Not quite.'
An Employee Compensation Committee at the Clovis Unified School District, located in Fresno County, met on Wednesday to discuss how the relief funds would be used, according to the group.
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of course, amd I don't know how thew majority of voters has drownded out real persons of concern... common sense, they had a 30 billion dollar theft of the last covid package and just gave them another 40 Billion, that kind of money leave a trail, and not a dime should be issued until someone goes to jail for teh 30 Billion, that kind of money leave a trail and can be found, we all know its to the FON, (freidn of Nancy) I also don't believe she is fairly elected either, those running against her are bougt off. additionally, seed the vote ios a criminal organazation hands off by the FBI for more than a decade they have moved into areas i a long stay hotel and fabricated human beings on the voter rols then claim voter supression when looking into to it. I saw on a sting a woman cut a deal for 4k votes for 50k and delivered them in two days, this mail in and absent tee voting is steered qaway from by media. Florida AG brought suit to clear dead people off the rolls and the Justice Dept joined in the suit to keep the dead people in the voter rolls, voter fraud is not a party things, the voter fraud in Arizona began as a business in 1998, by the Republicans, but the 2020 election the higher biodder were the democrats... blocking and fabricating everything to keep the voter fraud more powerful thanh the courts and legislators are Republicans.... its hard to talk, and we shouldn't in terms of pary's dem repub, when both are corrupt. esp the republican Board of suprevisors in Arizona 80% republican. Bad politicians and now Pelosi has added a bill to payt for her choice of canadcate gets funded by the tax payer and its time to invoke a perition under the 2ed amendment to suspend those who has commited crime and taken money through government bonues structure intentionally hidden from oversight and we the people, they are getting about 1 million a year not 180K a year and the stream of corruption will put we the people in danger... the illegal fensing off of the Capitol is to prevent the legal action od the people, the Congress many democrat sticking together as designed by Pelosi thinks mass crime has no remedy, and if you want a crime covered up, report it to the FBI, they intimidate wiutnesses and lie daily, they are incurable under currently employed. Voter fraud in this country is a multi billion dollar business and the words top cyber experts has 100% found that the Dominion systems are designed to commit fraud, is advertised as such and did in fact commit voter fraud in 5 ways in Antrum County Michigan.. the lkegal electorate went to show to deliever their legal vote count leaving out the foound fabricated votes and the Michigan AG and Governor had that meeting start an hour ealier and chaned the doors shgut and had the state police running off the true electroates from where they were to be, so the state police is involved in this treason, Biden, as said in a hearing in Michigan by its own head of voter integrity said "open the ballot boxes " Biden does not have the votes in the box, but even falsifying votes, as they have done in Ga, and Arizona and the fraudsters has let every un trained and unathorized persons tamper with the machines and do as Ga Shred ballots, then, just as Ga, went directly on TV and main stream as ABC NBC lied to our faces, we saw and nobody allows, that the ballots given to the majority of Republican voters in Ga was printed with flaws that sent them to adjudication where one democrat change the vote for biDEN, OF 116k BALLOTS 102k WERE DECIDED IN SECRET BY A BIDEN SUPPORTER... bUT The machines kicked them all out, the prestine ballots not folded were punched without a single ballot kicked, about 25k to 30k, with the press secretary lying and showing chosen and edited versions of the secret ballots being brought from under the table,, all states stopped counting at the same time, and the water issue was an after though, they were instructed to look around and in the building next door a cup of ater was on the floor in another empty building space, Then the observeres stayed around for hours and were told repeatedl;y they stopped the count and took hours for them to get them to leave, thats what the video showed and thats what the counters said... with that video the criminal traitors were on their cell phone repeatedly and they chose a time one guy was on the phone to start counting again, and did immediately, what is also shown that no call was made to the observers. NO call. Then they claim the observers didn't want to be there all the observrs says, and it is, a lie. Themn 93% kicked withg fake ballots bt China and then not one, NOT ONE, from the preprepared suitcase ballots... what was also left out and was seen is that the criminal lady, visually running off observers, punched the same ballot 3 times, those ballots 90% Biden and no folds and Military ballots not counted. the professional prediction is that Trump beat Biden by over a half million votes in Georgia, that 26K were illegal under age, 13k were dead people and 30k were fake votes in suit cases that nobody get to investigate anbd get this, the lie again, that to reject any of these illegal votes would be voter supression, even those 100's that reported the Stacey Abrams fraud of stealing people votes through absent tee ballots when they went to vote their vote was already stolen and Raffinsburger did nothinbg his always answer is its not enough to change outcome, but every prove and video of this exists.. worse they video of two old men taking votes from the Trump stack and sticking them in with Biden on the recount, someone told them to do this. its on video after sorting, all kind of confusion to fix the recount. Abrams sister was judge shopped to at the latest possible was to add voters that did not register (but now lived out of state) and used voter supression, these were not real people but a fake count and many of our federal judges are absolutely corrupt and must be removed, NOW esp Abrams sister. what a joke our people in government are and overt liars since the system that investigates them and the media liars... we all know, but we must rid our government of them all,
Why is anyone surprised by anything these people do in democratic strongholds like California?
The constant under estimation of the enemy is the reason America is facing it's greatest crisis in history.
True, and you would think that after 30 billion stimulous was stolen in California, we all know that can be found but we know what our FBI is, its a treasonous organazation (also where seed the vote resides and the FBI knows where they are and what thewy do, they moved into Arizona again and created fake voter rolls and returned to California, the FBI is complicite in these crimes) that you would think that it would be a must to investigate and return it, but they now gave another 40 Billion... thing is, this is directly going to the Politicians control and in California the independants say they expected California to go Red, but a month to bring votes in back doors frustrated the real count, really, like Pelosi won her District, not at all likely, not real persons voted her in, but the 30 Billion Stimulos missing buys a whole lot of blindness, making Hellen Keller and Stevie Wonder the eyes of the elections in California.
Dumb Pelosi idea
this is insane ready get set we're in the middle of crisis no matter what we look at.
What!!!!?.............The Democrats are LOOTING OUR COUNTRY!!!!...................Noooooo!
Now those that voted for higher taxes and gas and cruelty to babies and children, the media offers them more lies to make them feel good for their attrocious wrongs and they still deny they are that stupid, the kind of stupid that means we must take a "election test" (1) must know what each candates has "really done" and what lies they have told in the past, if they only know false facts, then they can't vote, if they offer they know this and want to vote for the fraudulent person then I guess they vote, a election test must be passed to vote, not as Pelosi wants, be able to jump the fence and register to vote, vote and jump back over the fence AND, no ID meaning the fake person just saying they are a person and say what name they want to use and vote, change their name and drive to the next voting place and do it all again, thats what they want and is exactly what they ahev already done. must pass it to be able to vote.
It is time for the Parents of School-aged children to FIRE the Public Schools... too, vote the disgust they have for these parasites and miscreants of Marxist ideology.... too, take all of their children out of public schools and to DEFUND THE SCHOOLS... Public referendum need to be used to DEFUND and TERMINATE the current system of public schools ... targeting the leadership responsible for their corruption and avarice in the system.
It is past time to FIRE THESE SELF-SERVING MISFITS... and to reopen the Public System as LOCAL VENTURES funded by local parents and businesses... without state or federal aid and the strings that come with the aid. What do the parents have to lose, the schools are closed and the teachers are living it up on the taxpayer's tab... get rid of the bastards and then deal with reopening the schools under NEW MANAGEMENT... return the power to educate our children to their parents.
I have a better idea for these teachers, it involves woods,baseball bats, making them realize their mistakes.