Can Anyone Say ... BETRAYAL?

Political parties are organized to find political solutions not to placate, obfuscate, or otherwise betray their constituents.  My advice for the GOP is to get off your asses and hit the streets... Organize, resource, and fund protests for specific legislation and amendments that can not be ignored... Demand real legislative reforms, and do not compromise. 

Be prepared to shut down the government and the economy... Our national heritage and security demand it... The question becomes is the GOP capable or willing to lead such a task?  It is time to defecate or get off the pot. Our nation is in CRITICAL condition... it is on life support and if there is no effective intervention immediately... this election cycle it will go the way of every other failed state... into the dustpan of History.


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  • Do not vote for an incumbent... they put us where we are.

  • "... are our political, cultural, and corporate elites so compromised by their lucrative Chinese investments and joint ventures that they prioritize profits over their own country's national security and self-interest?" Quote from Hanson above.

    The answer to that question is openly evident... as Corporate America and the Deep State's blindsided adventures into Globalism and the development of global markets, at the EXPENSE of our domestic markets, are at the root of our economic and national security problems... Greed and avarice are powerful agents of Mammon... Our problems are both physical and spiritual, with the latter being the greatest of the underlying issues.

    Any Nation that tolerates a consortium of treasonous... individuals, coporations, and radical ideologues, to undermine its soverignty, economy, culture, and foreign policy for decades, invites disaster and chaos into its body politic... culture, and national security.  A nation without borders, culture, economic independence, and an equitable trade policy, soon finds its commerce, culture, and government corrupted.

  • The Declaration of Independance tells us that. The only thing is the liberal gestapo will do everything in their power to stop it from happening.

  • Parties are the problem. Accountability of them to US is also the problem. 

    "However [political parties] may now and then answer popular ends, they are likely in the course of time and things, to become potent engines, by which cunning, ambitious, and unprincipled men will be enabled to subvert the power of the people and to usurp for themselves the reins of government, destroying afterwards the very engines which have lifted them to unjust dominion."


    • George Washington's foresight on political parties has come home to roost in the American political environment. Both Major Political Parties have lost sight of their member's vision and goals for government... Betrayal has become the standard in each of our major parties.

    • So right. Prophetic wisdom from our 1st POTUS.

    • Stari Decisis... the law of the court is FIAT LAW ... it has no Constitutional Authority as law. The law of the Court extends only to the case in law before it.  Judicial dicta and judgments extend no further than the case before the Court. In addition, Regulatory Authority, Executive Orders, and Administrative law are all forms of FIAT law... 

      Congress and the President are the only Constitutional source for statutory law...  The various forms of administrative action promulgated by the various departments, agencies, and offices of the government are not law...  they are FIAT LAW... the product of usurped authority.  Government that operates under such usurped authority are operating under the COLOR OF LAW... and are in effect violating the law.

      There is no constitutional authority that permits the Judiciary or government bureaucrats to make law... Fiat law totally bypasses the legislative authority given to Congress and the President to promulgate law.  It lacks Constitutional authority to govern as law.  Constitutional law derives from LEGISLATIVE ACTS passed by Congress and signed into statutory law by the President.

      There is NO CONSTITUTIONAL AUTHORITY that permits Congress, to authorize the Judiciary, or the President to unilaterally make law (regulatory or administrative) There is no Constitutional authority for Congress or the President to authorize bureaucrats to promulgate REGULATORY AUTHORITY AS LAW... none. 

      Presidential Executive Orders are not law... they are administrative guidance on how to govern under the law.  Congress may not assign Constitutional Authority to bureaucrats without first AMENDING THE CONSTITUTION TO PERMIT IT TO VACATE ITS DUTY OR TOO GANT ITS AUTHORITY TO MAKE LAW TO OTHERS.

      The Administration or Constitutional law has been subverted and we are now operating government under the COLOR OF LAW... This must end and that will not occur without the direct and active participation of the masses.

    • Thank you for stating TRUTH. 

    • Judicial precedence as law has NO AUTHORITY UNDER THE US CONSTITUTION...

      Precedence is not law... and it violates constitutional standards for making law.  It gives a  single judge the power to legislate from the bench as fiat law... Stari Decisis is not law it is the dicta of the court regarding a SPECIFIC CASE IN LAW BEFORE THE COURT AND SHOULD NEVER BE INTERPRETED AS LAW... applied in general to all cases in law by the Courts.

    • It was supposed to be bottom-up, from Ohio residents to the state to the feds. Not from the President down to the state.

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