
    • Yes, he "lives" in the White House in place of our REAL President. Riding around in limousines and helicipters doesn't make truth, and pretense doesn't make truth, either. YOU KNOW as well as I do that he stole the election from our TRUE President and you can't get away from that glaring fact, no matter what you say. THAT is REALITY, and I'm not "denying reality"; YOU are.


    • No, that does NOT "make him President". The WILL OF THE PEOPLE does that and he ain''t it! We dd not vote him into offfice; thereofore, he is NOT President! If you're bored, it means you either don't want to change the STOLEN election or you think you can't. There hasn't been enough of an uproar from the people to fix it and that is what angers me. BTW, the world is not flat, either! Stop putting words in my mouth. I told you a truth but you don't want to acknowledge it because you can't fix the problem. I don't "want to go" anywhere with this; I'm simply stating a truth you don't want to admit to.

                                                                              BEIJING BIDEN IS NOT PRESIDENT.

    • Actually, YOU are because it's obvious you didn't see the pre-filled ballots being pulled out from under tables AFTER the demoncrats shooed the Reublcans away so that they could finish their dark deed in secret.


    • Reality can be a bitch...   The truth is that President Biden has been installed as President... After following the defined Constitutional process, Congress in joint session CERTIFIED the election as legitimate, and the electoral count as lawful.  The several States held elections, certified their results, (not one objected) Congress declared the Electoral Count legal and Biden as the President-Elect.  Biden was then inaugurated on January 20 of 2021 as President. Our recourse to his being president is Impeachment, holding an Article 5 Convention to remove him from office by Amendment, massive civil disobedience to force his resignation, or a Civil War leading to a complete reset of the Federal Government, returning it to its constitutional limits.

      The People have shown no interest in engaging in civil war, or massive civil disobedience... to demand Biden et al's removal from office... They have little stomach for the heavy lifting and appear ready to take up the cloak of servitude.  Our leaders are all bankrupt, sorry excuses for men. They have capitulated choosing to take the easier course of action... to support the new world order ...rather than to organize an effective counter-movement to apply peaceful but effective passive-aggressive resistance on the government until it accepts reform.  The Article 5 path is bogged down in the process of calling the convention and massive civil disobedience lacks the resources, organization, and leadership needed to make it work.  Impeachment is out due to the process and political mix in Congress and civil war is a non-starter... although it may erupt spontaneously.  What is needed is leadership and resources to engage in peaceful civil disobedience... it is our best hope.

      Insisting President  Biden is not President doesn't make it so... any more than ignoring election fraud and expecting the corrupt to fix it will make it go away... Look for the next election to be more of the same. Unless we see a monumental shift in the public's resistance movement the constitution and our former Republic are DEAD

    • Blah, blah,blah. You just said yourself that the election was fraudulent, so Beijing Biden is NOT Prsident, even in your own feeble mind. Losing an election does NOT make the loser the winner. It's incredibly stupid to say that. YOU are obtuse and are making stupid excuses because you don't want to face the facts. I deal in facts, you don't. 81 million votes as opposed to 23 million in favor of the TRUE President tells everyone who REALLY won.


    • Well, obviously you don't, because you're not using the grey matter you were born with. I need no "talk show" to state facts. I just told you why Trump isn't in the White House! As Jeanine Pirro says, "Are you STUPID"?? You obviously don't want to face the fact that we've been horrendously screwed.


    • Being installed against the WILL OF THE PEOPLE WHO VOTED FOR OUR TRUE PRESIDENT is not an inauguration. They knew what they were doing and it was to get rid of our TRUE President so they could finish us off. Beijing Biden got barely 23 million votes while OUR TRUE PRESIDENT got at least 81 million. And I'm not "insisting," I'm telling you the facts. If you don't want to see how we've been screwed, tough on you - both of you.


    • Being installed AGAINST our Constitution (and they knew what they were doing) did NOT make the creep President- the election made Trump President, FOR THE SECOND TIME. WE THE PEOPLE voted in our REAL President for the second time. Deal with the facts.


  • America can be united again if Conservatives quit fighting for their core beliefs and get down on their knees to beg for forgiveness from Marxist Democrats!


  • The days of one nation are over. The Left is Anti-Christ. Everything God is for they are against.  Who can be of the things of God and want to kill babies or take God out of the public square. They promote immorality and want to make it legal. They want to remove the U.S constitution and replace it with an Anti-Christ government. No way will this be allowed.

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