This C-virus has become the focal point that which the Government and CDC is aiming to classify every death attributed to the C-virus as the direct cause or not.  There is no escape from it.   It is as if all other illnesses are not independent of it; in other words, if you die of anything else it must be because of the C-virus.  So, it begs the question and gives the answer: Doctors cannot see their patients who are ill of something else; they get worse; then their immune system weakens; they become deathly ill; then they are rushed to the ER in a near death moment; while at the hospital they contract pneumonia, due to the prolonged or delayed visit of which never came, to see their doctor;  by this time their immune system is so weakened that they are considered a casuality amongst the C-virus victims; even before they die.  Then they are dead!  They are clumped in with the rest of the C-VIRUS SYNDROME CASUALITY LIST.  It forbids anyone from dying from anything else without being stalked to one's grave by the C-virus. If it wasn't for the lockdown, more ill people would be able to see their doctors; and not dying from a weakened immune system, due to being deprived of medical attention, in the first place.  It is as if the Government wants a high C-virus mortality rate to justify and cover up its blunderous mistake and warrantless panic.  It should be clearly understood, that this is the biggest hoax  the government and medical society has ever played on the American people; all for political and monetary gain.  Can't ask for an investigation; they are all involved. 


Joseph Phillip De Marco



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