THIS JUST IN: @USCBO confirms $1.9 trillion Biden Bailout Bill would cause $36 billion in cuts to Medicare starting next year. The Democrat plan sacrifices a healthcare program for America’s seniors to bailout political allies & enact a radical agenda.
— House Budget GOP (@housebudgetGOP) February 26, 2021
read the full letter on site:
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Medicare funds are sequestered as part of the FICA taxes and are supposed to be used for medical care not foreign aid... past time to remove Pelosi and all those supporting the euthanasia of our older citizens who have paid all their lives into Medicare... they paid for Medicare and are now being denied it by raiding its reserves for other purposes. That is theft and criminal abuse of the elderly. Where is the outcry by the MSM?
social security was supposed to be sequestered also but the political ruling class had the key to the "lock box" and took the money for themselves and to buy votes with. Now that I need the money they confiscated from me it is gone and I am called a thief by them!!!!!!!!!!
devildemocommiecrats don't care about anything more than their own personal wealth and power!!!!!!!!!! They are minions of satan bound for the Lake of Fire. I pray daily that they will repent but don't expect them to given their arrogance and evil.
Past time to throw the incompetent frauds out
Naturally, bailouts for fellow communist tyrants and paying for abortions in other countries are much more important than using the money confiscated from OUR paychecks as it was intended because that would benefit the working class American citizen, the people devildemocommiecrats want destitute!!!!!!!!!!
We need to establish a citizen's commission to oversee and approve all government spending. This is what the REDISTRIBUTION of wealth looks like! Billions going to everyone but US.
The only way to stop this madness is a full blown civil war! Remove those currently in power, bring back our President and put things right! Whining about it and pounding on the keyboard doesn't cut it!
That would play into the hands of the left... full-blown civil war would be labeled insurrection and domestic terrorism... it would bring the violence of open war into our living rooms...before that happens the conservatives may want to organize and find the leadership and resources to conduct such a foolish effort. It is not only unlawful it is wreckless and folly on a grand scale.
But they bwant to give free healthcare to all the illegals they are allowing in the country!!!!!How in the hell can we stop these idiots???
Is there even ONE THING these idiotic Dems have done RIGHT since Nov 3rd??? JUST ONE???
Why are we even talking about this bill when there is still $1 trillion left unspent from PREVIOUS instances of "Democrat Largesse"???