CBS News travel editor, Peter Greenberg, almost appeared gleeful when he predicted two things: that travel – both domestic and international – would most likely return this summer, and that there would be a prerequisite to being able to travel.
“It will be required,” Greenberg said. “The real question is what technology will be available to create a universally acceptable and universally readable document that can’t be forged.”
A new term has entered the vocabulary among governments and in the travel industry: vaccine passport. In the near future, travel may require proof that passengers have been vaccinated or tested negative for the coronavirus.
— The New York Times (@nytimes) February 4, 2021
He noted that preliminary versions of a vaccine passport – or health passport – are being developed by several outlets, in both the public and private sectors – and in some cases a combination of both, around the world.
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This is the implementation of the Mark of the Beast foretold in Revelation in the Bible. It may be papers at first but the rationale will be that an implanted chip cannot be lost and many people will jump at it because they don't know the Bible. Implantable, programmable chips are available now. I am disabled and rarely travel out of the rural town I live in but in any case I WILL NOT COMPLY with satanic tyranny!!!!!!!!!!
No one has power over you unless you give them that power.
In 2008 Dr. Anthony Fauci had the WHO preform autopsies on people who died from the swine flu to discover they did not die from the swine flu but died from a bacterial infection of the lungs caused from constantly wearing masks. Dr Fauci told people to stop wearing masks. Fauci, Bill Gates along with the WHO and George Soros funded that lab in China and are responsible for this pandemic murdering millions of people worldwide. Doctors in Italy performed autopsies on 20 people who died from COVID to discover they did not die from COVID but from a bacterial infection of the lungs caused from constantly wearing masks. They want to murder millions to make billions off their vaccine that will cause more deaths. I will Never take any vaccine these evil people try and push on the world to push their depopulation agenda
“It will be required,” Greenberg said. “The real question is what technology will be available to create a universally acceptable and universally readable document that can’t be forged.”
I would have never known about this NWO edict broadcasted by the Communist Broadcast Stasi unless read here (since I wouldn't watch it for real news). Thank you!
It seems a further development in the Bill of Rights concerning the inheirent right to conduct travel, business, and commerce using anonymous private ownership of personal wealth ( social credit score BAD!) must be spelled out to ham-handed, criminally acting, central and state governments, don't you think?
The Convention of States looks sweeter and sweeter.
We had better be able to generate some SERIOUS PUSHBACK to the theft of our few remaining freedoms, or life as an American is over.
The first step must be to expose this covid SCAMdemic for the total crap that it is. The vermin on this planet, AKA “The New World Order” have been using this covid bull $hit as the tool for the conversion of the entire world to Socialism. Every time their narrative of fear begins to fizzle out, they discover a new variant somewhere else on the planet that is much more dangerous than the previous. This has been designed to go on forever.
Thomas, AMEN AMEN AMEN AMEN AMEN!!!!!!!!!!
Democrat party and MSM following science - oh really! Give me a break!
Unconstitutiona, but why should that stop the supreme leader heir Biden?
This is about controlling movements and the assembly of large crowds of dissident... protests. This is about controlling economic viability... BLOCKADING non-conforming regions.
Does anyone remeber the poem by Lutheran Pastor Martin Niemöller following Nazi's rise to power in Germany. The full version is: