They're spot on with this... I've been monitoring this topic myself and you can as well by simply looking at the demographic being discussed here. Look at the social media pages / posts of the young people you know. Look at the college educated women you know. (Actually, look at women in general) and chances are you'll see what I see. Young people and women are fired up and concered about abortion rights and the environment and on both issues the majority side with dumbocrats on these issues. This wouldn't be the first time this demographic has swayed an election to the left... They're posed to do it again. It's sad but Republicans never seem to learn - Republicans clearly need to up their game on messaging when it comes to both women and young adults. They always seem years behind when it comes to messaging.
J, the gop's problem is they are all blow and no go, they bluster and bleat in public but in private stab We the People in the back!!!!! Most of them, the establishment (about 95%) are TRAITORS allied with the devildemocommiecrats!!!!!!!!!!
They're spot on with this... I've been monitoring this topic myself and you can as well by simply looking at the demographic being discussed here. Look at the social media pages / posts of the young people you know. Look at the college educated women you know. (Actually, look at women in general) and chances are you'll see what I see. Young people and women are fired up and concered about abortion rights and the environment and on both issues the majority side with dumbocrats on these issues. This wouldn't be the first time this demographic has swayed an election to the left... They're posed to do it again. It's sad but Republicans never seem to learn - Republicans clearly need to up their game on messaging when it comes to both women and young adults. They always seem years behind when it comes to messaging.
J, the gop's problem is they are all blow and no go, they bluster and bleat in public but in private stab We the People in the back!!!!! Most of them, the establishment (about 95%) are TRAITORS allied with the devildemocommiecrats!!!!!!!!!!
CBS is a worthless fake news org.
Biden the First Appointed President
Setting up for the cheating!
ilona, yes they are!!!!!!!!!!