
  • This time, I hope and pray people are smart enough to say - - -I WILL NOT COMPLY, you lied to us the last time, why should we ever believe you again.  You know that old saying - - "Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on ME!!"

  • "''First do no Harm '' Law written after the Nuremberg trials 1946 , that exposed the medical atrocities & experiments ,they illegally performed on the POW's . ''No law or government can force the taking of an experimental product '' The mNRA spike protein is not a vaccine but was marketed as one . Key words here EXPERIMENTAL PRODUCTS. Doctors can no longer claim well '' I was just following orders '' . They have all forsaken their oath , they committed treason and crimes against humanity . They need to be held accountable , judged , convicted and sentenced to death . The FDA-CDC-WHO-BIG PHARMA , are criminals & mass murderers . Along with their treasonous, bought & paid for , corrupt politicians , who gave the pharmaceuticals IMMUNITY against injuries and deaths caused by their deadly jabs , they need to be arrested ASAP . Fraudci , must not be allowed to be above the law . That little hobgoblin is responsible for countless thousands , nay millions of injuries & deaths . The biden crime family , the clintons, bushes, obamma + so many more , the Alphabet Agencies + the corporations who owns them , can no longer escape the law . DEMS are the enemy of the people, as the libs are enemies to the people in Canada... Only our UNITY will end their attempt @ global genocide......".

    • I recently talked to two VA doctors who both tried to talk me into getting jabbed, even after I had the lastest covid around two weeks before that. I had light symptoms with it and survived, but they still wanted me to take a jab with the shot. The funny thing about that was one told me that even though I had covid two weeks ago I might have a little immunity with it, but the shot will protect me better. I was told ( the only side effects to the shot was a little sore arm after wards, and he said that was BETTER then getting  covid in which I had two weeks before that and survived. ) I then told him sure and how many people died after getting the shot too that we are not told about ? He didn't answer me but looked down at his computer, like he was looking for a magic answer to my question. When ever a doctor says anything about the shot we have to ask them what about all of the  people who died from side effects that were not reported to the general population??? We have to keep pushing back against the shot until the liberal liars give up. It will be a long and hard battle that we have to win.

    • Agreed - - and not only did some people die, because of the shot, too many people developed other devestating side effects that just do not go away.  

    • Refuse, refuse, refuse, surviving the jab is just the start, we have no clue what will develope in the next five years because of the so called vaccine. These people are worst than the tyrants like Hitler, Stalin, and Mao who did it for an ideology.......many more will die from this shot than were killed in the camps!
      Add to the list of names Fauchi, who was part of this from the start, he knew what they developed and forced it on the entire world for MONEY!

    • Fortunately, I have a doctor who advised me Not to get the shot, because I am highly reactive to some of the components; he also knows which antibiotics I cannot tolerate. When I tested positive, for this Chinese virus, back in Aug., he did not want me to take any of the meds they were using to treat it, but sent me for infusion instead. I highly recommend it. I had no adverse reaction to the process, started feeling a change within 24 hrs., tested negative on day 5 and had appetite back and able to eat on day 7. So, if you are unfortunate enough to come down with this ugly stuff, ask your care provider to send you for infusion.@

    • What sort of infusion, what is in it? Is your doctor en played by a hospital?

    • Oh, Ilona,of course you would ask me "what is in it?" LOL, I cannot even begin to tell you what exactly is in it. I was given a 4 page fact sheet that tells me all about what it does. Who ca, and cannot have it and any possible side effects. It is called Bebtelovimab, if you want to research it.  It is given by a process similar to a transfusion. But only takes about 15 minutes; they use a very tiny needle that you hardly feel. It did not even leave a bruise and I bruise very easily. My doctor has his own private practice and is affiliated with the two largest hospitals in Columbia. He also came highly recommended, by a family friend who is a retired nurse and is "super picky" about doctors and medical care, so no worries there.  I have been going to him since I moved here 3 years ago. I especially like the race he makes eye contact with me, talks with me and ignores the computer in the room-he uses a pen and clipboard, makes notes and mails me any necessary info within a few days. If there is any urgency, his nurse is on the phone, with me, within 24 hours, sometimes before I even get home from his office.  A couple of times, when an Rx was ordered, I would receive a text that it was ready, again, before I got home from his office, which is only 30 minutes away. And, yes, his office is always busy. He has 2 nurses and 1 PA-all very pleasant, professional people.

    • That was way too long and I am sorry for any typos - especially that one about "I like the fact he makes eye contact".  I don't know how "race" got in there‐LOL

  • Well I lucked out I got poked twice no problems. Just like other people we all lost good friends family from this crap.  I even had this COVID crap, was not that bad caught it early.  But lost my brother in-law to this crap. I will not get that jabb again . Have the natural antibodies. CDC can go Jump!

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