Chair of Federal Election Commission Drops Bombshell

Chair of Federal Election Commission Drops Bombshell Announcement #2020Election #TWEXIT #Election2020 #BLEXIT #electionfraud #QAnon #Miltia #2A #GOP #MNCD6 #MNGOP #Conservative #Liberal #MAGA #Progressive @realDonaldTrump @MNCourts @USSupremeCourt #GenZ #Millennials #YellowVests



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  • The only thing I can see to do is have a revote in those states that  the problems occurred. It should be announced quick enough so nobody has a chance to set up another rigged vote.

    • To save time absentee ballots should be OK so no need to have those done over. In person voting as well is most likely OK. So it's just the mail in ballots and the electronic voting machines that need to be scrutinized.

  • I'm hoping this hurts the media so much that they become irrelevant to the nation.

  • Time to tell the truth even if the media won't report the election was fraud, but they can't get away with it this is America not Russia or China

  • The Democrats will not even blink at this announcement... the party line will be that Mr. Trainor is a GOP operative... and the MSM will echo it from sea to shining sea.  The President must use Martial Law to round up the tens of thousands of insurrectionists and seditionist operating in our government and the MSM. Starting with the Big Fish in the DOJ, FBI, US Attorneys, and Federal Courts... law enforcement and the MSM must be purged of the Marxist elements.

    • Yep, Trainor could have just remained out of the spotlight and complained about what the President isn't doing too, but he had the courage to come forward and speak out. I have emailed and called my governor, state and federal representatives to demand that they enforce existing law. Martial law is the last ditch option (or usually first in totalitarian regimes} to deal with political opposition, and the self governing citizens of the USA have not exhausted all of their lawful and relatively peaceful options yet. The Marxists have been operating in our government, schools, and private institutions for years, and if they prevail it is because those of us who saw it happening didn't do enough to stop it. Pray! Vote! ..... and get active with you local, state and federal government representatives, or we may very well face an authoritarian police state as the Colonel suggests. And who do you trust to decide which of us will be "purged"?

  • Yippee for Trainor!

  • The election was obviously rigged but Trump will fight for us. Trump will produce the overwhelming evidence that he says he has already. Giuliani & Co are compiling it all because it is so massive and then they will strike in court who will have no choice but to recognize the evidence. 

    • ........... and if "We the People" don't help and support him, the Marxists will prevail, as they have done in many countries where political opposition is brutally suppressed.

    • That's right, Rick. We need to support Trump no matter what and under all circumsances. Our allegiance is to him and therefore to the United States of America.

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