politics lori lightfoot Memes & GIFs - Imgflip

Chicago's Mayor Lori Lightfoot hit out at White House press secretary Kaleigh McEnany Thursday calling her a 'Karen' for saying she's a 'derelict mayor'. 

McEnany was answering reporter questions during a press briefing earlier Thursday when she made several sharp comments about the mayor and accused her of 'doing a very poor job at securing her streets'. 

The press secretary also said she believed Lightfoot should ask for federal help in ending a recent spike in violence in Chicago. 

Mayor Lightfoot responded bluntly by telling McEnany to 'watch your mouth'.  

The press secretary's comments were initially brought to Mayor Lightfoot's attention via a tweet from Senior White House Correspondent for Time Magazine Brian Bennett. 

'White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany just called Lori Lightfoot "the derelict mayor of Chicago" and said she should request federal help to secure the city,' he wrote. 

The mayor responded on Twitter shortly afterward by sharing a screen grab of Bennett's tweet and adding, 'Hey, Karen. Watch your mouth'. 

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  • The mayor of Chicago just don't want to accept they're responsible for all that happening on cities they control for decades, they are the slave owners of the 20th century they want to control your life and for you to depend on them. They forgot that this country is governed by We the People.

  • .......or what? What will you do? You seditious ugly old garbage bag? This definitely sounds like a threat, arrest that useless pos, now!

  • Black people are never responsibile for their actions/choices. We aren't supposed to look at the black on black crime. Chicago has mass shootings EVERY weekend.

     Chicago statistics


    • Imagine Trump didn't assume responsibility for his actions and always blamed others or deflected blame! The MSM would be all over that. 

  • Yep...the Covid19 is making street thugs in Chicago gun people down. Last week, it was Trump's fault. The week before, it was somebody else's fault. Next week, it will be her latest critic's fault...anyone but her's. Chicago, as well as Illinois in general, are being run into the ground by failed Democrat "leadership" as evidenced by the state's exodus of businesses and citizens fleeing to more prosperous, and safer, locations.

  • I like the word fecklessness!!

  • Now she hates a name? They are all certifiable.

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