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  • Antifa=globalist oligarch's shock troops/Brown shirts.

  • this is happening in Chicago the former president Obama

  • Put a bounty on them and the blm, within 24 hours, problem solved.

  • Antifa is a TERRORIST group and MUST be harshly dealt with before they spread. This administration has the power and where with all to destroy them.


  • These are all terrorist organizations. 

  • always believed they worked together. You do not let a fox in the hen house.

  • Antifa= terrorists......shoot them if you have to.

  • These un-American elements have to be eliminated from US soil. I am so sick of them, and I am so sick of any opposition to Trump that is fortunately shrinking by the day. I hope it will soon be gone completely.

  • why do the police even wear guns anymore, since they are afraid to use them. I would have wiped out everyone with an umbrella

  • Antifa needs to be designated a terrorist organization, scoop them up and put them somewhere where they can no longer be a threat to our country.  How about a work camp in North Korea!

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