And what exactly will that do? Will or can they force her out of office? Who else is there that has any common sense????? I thing Chicago is a lost cause, might as well wall off the bad areas and flood it. The officers should try a week of blue flu and see what happens!
Sadly too little too late. Beetlejuice is EVIL on steroids!
Chicago is a city of ruins.
Blue Flu sounds like the way to go!!!
No Confidence? She is also a bigot! BUT what took so long!
And what exactly will that do? Will or can they force her out of office? Who else is there that has any common sense????? I thing Chicago is a lost cause, might as well wall off the bad areas and flood it. The officers should try a week of blue flu and see what happens!
Lori Heavyfoot needs to be removed. She is not doing her job, and is disrespectful to the C/PD. Period end.
With the anti-America communists owning the media feeble minded fools get elected to power.
How anyone could have confidence is Lightfoot is way beyond me. This should have happened long ago. But this is Chicago, nuff said!