Favorite Gun Memes II - Take a Meme, Leave a Meme - USCCA Community

A 20-year veteran prosecutor has quit the Cook County state’s attorney’s office and will move his family out of Illinois.

Assistant State’s Attorney Jason Poje blasted Chicago’s leadership and cited rising crime and the politicians who do nothing to stop it as a reason for leaving the state.

In a statement announcing his departure, Poje said he can’t raise his son in the state and is moving his “entire family” out of Illinois.

Poje sent a blistering goodbye email to 85 colleagues that said: “After 20 years, I always kind of figured an email like this would start with ‘It is with a heavy heart that I leave…’

“The truth is, I can’t get out of here fast enough.

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  • It's time for these people to stand for justice, to call out all the traitors, the destruction of cities, society, our country is simply unbelievable, especially since we KNOW its all done on purpose!

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