Real_Politics Memes & GIFs - Imgflip

Good news!

I live near Chicago and remember the relentless pressure on Chicago policemen and firemen to get vaccinated against Covid. Watch the former mayor of Chicago, Lori Lightfoot, say, “They will be vaccinated,” in this triggering video. (do not open it if you get upset easily).

I took their struggle to heart because I, a frequent visitor to Chicago, was also discriminated against. I was not allowed to enter Cook County restaurants since I was not vaccinated.

Of course, being locked out of restaurants and gyms cannot compare with the anguish and stress of being laid off without pay. Such was the punishment Chicago workers endured for refusing the experimental vaccine that did not even work.

Today, the fired Chicago workers received the ultimate vindication: Chicago’s administrative law judge for a state agency ruled the city has to reinstate workers and make up for lost wages and benefits.

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  • Hahahahahahaha, good for them....we knew this would come, I wish all people held out!

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