
  • He has now completely turned his back on us. My boycott of CFA was when he quit supporting the Christian Salvation Army. 

  • Unbelievable!

    White Americans have no need to express any sense of shame and have absolutely nothing to be embarrassed about relative to slavery. We are not responsible for what happened over 100 years ago . Does anyone remember that white people died in the civil war to free black Americans. Its time to move on and begin the serious work of ensuring that every American has access to equal "opportunity". Our country would benefit from having American citizens not racially defined citizens. At the end of the day we are all children of God, we all want the same basic things (freedom, opportunity to progress, a good job, quality education for our children, peace and happiness. We would benefit if we would focus on what we have in common not what makes us different. Difference in appearance, experience and thought make the world a more interesting place. There is no place in our society for any form of hatred.


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