Wuflu Fear Mongering All Bullshit

China Global Television Network (CGTN) issued a nearly six-minute video entitled “Can COVID-19 beat populism?” in which the Chinese Communist Party-run network leverages the coronavirus as “another straw on the camel’s back to expose [Trump’s] hollow politics.”

In addition to attacking President Trump, the video also went after China-skeptic political leaders such as Brazil’s Jair Bolsonaro and Britain’s Boris Johnson.

The video confirms Secretary of State Mike Pompeo’s insistence that China has leveraged coronavirus to its benefit.

The Mail reports that Sec. Pompeo “used a visit to London to outline a vision for a global coalition to counter the communist regime as he accused its leadership of exploiting the coronavirus pandemic to further its own interests.”

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  • How is it the leftist in American government is getting a free pass colluding with china? They allowed china to steal our military secrets. It has always been about the sedition, treason, crimes against the U.S. Constitution and humanity. China used the bill gate's virus as a biological weapon on America. china has bought the allegiance of the nfl, mlb, nba, NASCAR, they don't have to worry about boycotts, china will make up any monetary loses. A show of hands, how many of you had not figured out that a grade school student would show up having died from covid, just in time for the leftwing media to splash her face all over the internet? There will be more, any grade school kid that dies from hang nails, bike accidents, child abuse, etc. will become the poster children of the commie/marxists to scare you into not letting your children go back to school. Can't you figure it out yet? It is all about turning America into a third world shithole at the hands of hillary clinton and big mike obama. To run the country into the ground, how much more proof do you need? Or are you the kind of moron that sits idylly by until the last minute and whines why nothing was done to prevent it from happening. Pull your heads out of your rearends, the snakes have started to compromise your bedroom door. Running for the toilet will not help.

  • I still believe this virus was intentionally released as a biological weapon against the US. 

    • There is know question that the virus CV-19 is and was a biological  weapon of war used against the whole world. It was used against The USA. because The USA. is the strongest most powerful Nation in this world. The USA. is the only Nation standing between Liberty and the New World Order. The people in the NWO. are the elite wealthy globalists. Thy are of the known secret group Bilderberg and the Unite Nations is their front cover and mouth piece. Check them out research them i have know of them going back to 2007. They started in 1954 in Holland in the hotel Bilderberg. Check out how many times their meetings took place on US, Soil and how many so called US. elected officials took part and none elected US. Citizen have taken part. Daddy Geroge Bush was a globalist the Bush family surported the Nazi's and it took an Act of Congress to stop them. Check out Daddy Bushs speaches and hear him talk about the NWO. The son Bush was a puppet for Dick Chaney and he was not very smart. Check out the UN. Treaty Agenda 21. I am not a Democrat or a Republician i am i American a citizen of the USA. I am an old White Chruistian male i believe in The Bible and i defend The Constitution as Framed. I  conceal and carry and i don't shop at Walmart. I support The President of The USA. President Trump 100%. I believe the domestic enemy must be dealt with like any enemy is meaning taken-out. In Liberty, Charley.

    • You'd have to be stupid not to believe (KNOW0 it by now.!!!........What's that say about congress and the MSM?


    • Don't trust the government. Support defend and preserve the Repunlic.


  • President Trump Sir. Please stop telling us what a nice guy the Chicons have as Tryanical President. Please stop any an all dealings with the Commnists Chicons.

    Charles J. Kollman. Patriot.


  • It's time for Trump supporters to get the news out about what The "SOCIALIST / COMMUNIST" (AKA) Democrats which no longer exist BTW!
    Are doing to this country.
    These bogus so called "BLM" street protest are just a "TROJAN HORSE" for George Soros and The Socialist / Communist (AKA) Democratic Party to wage war on Our Republic and Our U.S. Constitution with the help from "CHINA".
    President Trump just happens to be the one unafraid to fight back.
    Sitting in a closet quietly will not "WIN" this "WAR"...


  • So now, given how the Dems are leveraging and manipulating the COVID situation to their own advantabe, is there evidence of the Dem Party colluding with the Chinese?

  • Trump can get Xi out of office if he tries

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