
  • The only President in recent times that did anything about China was TRUMP !

  • 160 spies at Las Alimos... this is not new... Las Alamos is where 2 top secret hard drives containing all of our nuclear weapons designs suddenly disappear and later... months later... show up under an IceMaker...

    Yeah, really... top secret hard drives don't just disappear and then reappear without leaving all sorts of evidence on who had them or when and why they were moved or checked out... they are supposed to be returned to the custodian when not in actual use... and if not alarms go off all over the place... one doesn't misplace top secret hard drives.

    Las Alamos needs to be shut down.. it appears to be a convention center for Chinese spies...

  • POKEMON... is unknown by most of the children of this generation... it is ancient technology... dated and by the way full of covert racist messages..

  • It is only a national security risk IF YOU HAVE A NATION...

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