Did Joe Biden Call Antifa 'Courageous' Americans?

Most of the riots that racked the United States within the last few months were organized by two socialist organizations which have close ties with the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), said Trevor Loudon, author, and filmmaker, who has been researching radical and terrorist groups and their covert influence on mainstream politics for more than 30 years.

The Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO) based out of Minneapolis, an openly pro-CCP organization, and Bay Area-based Liberation Road, with very close ties to the Chinese consulate there and the Chinese Progressive Association (CPA), are behind the recent riots, Loudon said in a recent interview on Epoch Times’ Crossroads program.

Liberation Road

Liberation Road is “basically a Chinese directed movement,” Loudon said. It is a socialist organization, drawing from Marxist ideology, “with a clear focus on building the resistance to Trump,” its website said.

Liberation Road whose people “burnt Ferguson, Missouri to the ground in 2014,” split from FRSO several years ago over the issue of whether to work with the Democratic Party “and it is the parent body of Black Lives Matter [BLM],” Loudon said.

Alicia Garza, a co-founder of the Black Lives Matter movement is also the principal of the Black Future Labs project which is “a fiscally sponsored project of the Chinese Progressive Association,” the donation page of the Black Futures Labs stated.

Some media denied the allegation about links of the Black Future Labs to the Chinese Communist regime because there are two organizations named “Chinese Progressive Association,” one in San Francisco and one in Boston. The Black Future Labs works with only the Chinese Progressive Association in San Francisco which is a different entity than its namesake in Boston, according to the New York Times.

However, both organizations named Chinese Progressive Association (CPA) “are controlled by Liberation Road,” Loudon said. “Both of them are controlled by Maoist communists who have been a part of the same groups for 50 years now. They might be organizationally autonomous, but they are part of the same movement.”

The CPA in Boston has very close ties and officially works for the Chinese Consulate in New York, Loudon said, but the Chinese Progressive Association in San Francisco is also very closely tied to the Chinese consulate there. They are “both front groups for the same communist organization” even though they are governed by separate boards, he added.

In addition, Alicia Garza and two other BLM co-founders are “directly affiliated to Liberation Road,” Loudon said.

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  • Joes' eyes are vacant.


  • No, you are not the only one who thinks the communist Chinese have infiltrated; the proof is right there in front of us.  China turned communist in 1935; communism infiltrated the US in the early 50's, but was slowed, somewhat, through the efforts of Sen. Joe McCarthy and we all know what happened to him- - the old saying "No good deed goes unpunished" definitely applies.  The red commies got a huge boost, from the clintonista mafia, during the 90's and it's been getting worse ever since.  Frankly, most of our Republican congress critters have had neither the stomach, nor the spine to expose and eliminate them and I firmly believe IT IS HIGH TIME we do just that.  Let's start with nasty nan, from the sewer city of San Fran, since she is the "most active" CPUSA MEMBER currently leading our own US Congress down that red road to HELL!!  Remember, she held a chair position with CPUSA until 2006, when she picked up the Speaker's gavel for the first time.  She had to resign that chair position in order to "avoid the appearance of conflict" - - BUT she is still a "member of CPUSA" - - "once a commie, always a commie"!  And do NOT forget, there are, AT LEAST, 80+ OTHER members of either CPUSA or the New Party, currently sitting in OUR Halls of Congress - - THEY ALL MUST BE REMOVED!!  Let's do it NOW, either by the ballot box, or by arrest and PHYSICAL REMOVAL!!  In all instances, the charge should be TREASON!!

    • Retrospectively ... Sen. McCarthy was a hero.


    • So very true and for him to have suffered the villification aimed at him was criminal, at least in my mind.  Sadly, it drove him to an early death, from alcoholism.  

    • PS-According to history, he was vilified and driven from the Halls of Congress "because" there were far too many congress critters who feared being "exposed", so what does that tell you?  Was there an even greater infestation, in government, at that time, or is there still a greater infestation then we are aware of?

    • Sounds good to me... however, Pres. Trump is either unaware (hard to believe) or complicit with the problem.... why would he permit the communist to occupy a single sear in government?  It is time to demand the rule of law be applied and if that takes Martial Law because the FBI and Courts are unable to act... so be it.

    • Ron, the devildemocommiecrat party is full of communists and the gop establishment isn't immune either.

    • So many voices advocating so many different things from central government. Me? I'm an arch believer in Individualism ... got there by my reading of Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged when it was published in 1958. Jewish, born in NYC, I was supposed to be a Lib ... Atlas took me to Individualism/Republicanism and I never looked back! I'm an engineer ... my colleagues and I are developing hardware and software to augment our bodies' neural system ... no more being controlled by Big Pharma. No more central government control of health care because our technology involves partnering with teams anywhere in the world ... Capitalism uber alles!!

    • Her Mitchell... Guten Tag, das est richtig mine heir...

    • Call me naive Ron, but I'm not ready to see Pres. Trump as complicit. God help us if I'm wrong!


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