The illegitimate usurper now infesting the oval office has decided that the way to eradicate the effects of the coronavirus that originated in Wuhan, China is to make it a "hate crime" to call it the China or Wuhan virus.  I don't know how changing the terminology is going to eradicate this biological weapon attack on the world, and it won't, but joe dementia and his band of minions of satan have decided that changing the way it is labeled will solve the problem.  I am sure this has nothing to do with the billions given to joe dementia and his crackhead son by the Communist Chinese.

The satanists that seized control of government in November 2020 through massive election FRAUD.  The courts, including a corrupt supreme court, refused to consider cases saying there was "no standing" as when 18 states sued over the FRAUD seen by anyone who watched any news reports on the skullduggery that occruued.  The presidential election affected every citizen in America so how can We the People, through our state governments, not have standing to demand that elections are fair and legal?

One of the main tactics of the satanic left is to censor speech that doesn't conform to their agenda.  Another is to use intimidation to silence dissent.  They may get away with their intimidation with some people but not with me.  I will continue to fight for liberty and free speech as long as I live and as long as I have people with the patriotic courage to publish what I write.  I am a follower of Jesus Christ and have absolutely no hatred for anyone in me.  I will speak out despite the hateful pushback I get from leftists.  The devildemocommiecrats may kill me or put me in prison but I will continue to speak out until they do so. 

Another serious issue the devildemocommiecrats dodge is the crisis on the border.  The situation there, created by joe dementia and his satanic pals, is both a national security issue and a humanitarian issue.  I just saw a report on the One America News Network that an outdoor detention compartment designed to hold 70 people had over 700 in it, many of them infected with the China Virus but joe dementia and his minions dismiss it as the fault of President Trump.  Every problem they have caused is dismissed as the fault of President Trump or a non-issue.

If people continue to cower in fear the left will continue to take rights away until America is no better than Soviet Russia, Nazi Germany, Communist China, and countries controlled by the satanic cult of islam.  Leftists call President Trump and his supporters Nazis but it is they who are using Nazi tactics to control and enslave We the People.

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