Chinese President Xi Jinping Prepares to Be Elected to a Third Term After Abolishing Term Limits
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Bloomberg: President Xi Jinping kicked off the final meeting of China’s top leaders, days before the opening of a twice-a-decade Communist Party congress that’s set to hand him a landmark third term in power. The closed-door gathering of the roughly 370 members and alternate members of the Central Committee began Sunday in Beijing (Bloomberg). International Business Times: Xi’s ardent supporters want him declared at the Party Congress as lifelong leader but there will be strong pulls and pressures at the highest echelons of the party power structure, and Xi might be forced to make compromises. The consensus as of now is that Xi will complete another five-year term. However, there is a faction that doubts if Xi will invariably complete a full third term… While he was consultative and accommodative during his first term, the second term was marked by a more dominant independent streak. While he prepares to start a third term Xi has become simply all powerful. The term limit was abolished through a constitution amendment in 2018, enabling Xi to seek a third term (International Business Times).

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  • if you are a tyrant, you can do anything, just ask Biden. 

    • That's the plan!

  • Isn't it great o be a communist!

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