#Chitcago Businesses Boarding-up in the Wake of Expected Antifa Rioting
A number of businesses in Chitcago's business district have covered windows and doors with plywood to better protect the buildings should demonstrations during next week’s Democratic National Convention turn unruly.
You didn’t see this kind of chaos during the RNC in Milwaukee. Not a single business had to board up their store in fear of riots. But here we are, and downtown Chicago already looks like it’s preparing for civil unrest.
Now, ask yourself: Why didn’t Milwaukee have to take such special measures?
Despite the Biden-Harris administration , and the media labeling Trump supporters as extremists and threats to democracy, they aren’t the ones known for burning down and destroying businesses.
The Biden-Harris America is detrimental to our country. Get ready for more "mostly peaceful' rioting and burning of this great American #ShitholeCity.

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