It Should End with Hypocrite Scum like the Commio's, the Gates, Fraudci, Birx, Schwab, Bloomberg and Many, many other's decorating like ornaments every lamp post and tree with their HANGED Criminal selves when the rest of US have finally Had Enough of "O.K. for Me but Not forThee" which should have already been done Many month's ago!!
Oh Boy: who in the hell does this "journalist" think he is to lecture the entire American Nation like this! I re-iterate Megyn Kelly's response to Dr Fauci "You don't get to tell us what to do" Same goes for Chris Cuomo. As for referring to "The Collective", I hope Americans realize what that refers to - and it's not good!
This New World Order puppet has my fingered salute extended prominently, to him and his threat.
Now you see my past emphisis on the individual undertaking of individual life, individual liberty, and individual pursuit of happiness being justified.
How low has the Fourth Estate slumped, to call this shill of anti-american individualism a "journalist"?
This talking fool, without a microphone, would be little more than a propaganda street pampleteer, smearing socialist crap like butter on bread.
The urgency and finality in his verbal tripe, is a prelude appeal to collective mandates like the vaccination, and its documentation tattoo, the vaccination I.D. .
The NWO indeed knows , like Lucifer himself, their time is short to act in.
The Techno-Oligarchs latest attempt has been so clumsily orchestrated, that only We as willing dupes, can snatch its failure from the jaws of our victory, by listening and obeying.
Alliegience to evil and the cabal. NO. NO. NO.
Well you bonehead the nation is now divisible big time thanks to all you lying bastards
Oh yeah, allegiance to the Democratic Communist!! I'm "not" taking the shot. Cut off my head, I'm "not" taking it!!!
It Should End with Hypocrite Scum like the Commio's, the Gates, Fraudci, Birx, Schwab, Bloomberg and Many, many other's decorating like ornaments every lamp post and tree with their HANGED Criminal selves when the rest of US have finally Had Enough of "O.K. for Me but Not for Thee" which should have already been done Many month's ago!!
Just Ronald McDonald.
(the PEDOPHILE one)
Anyone see Satan when Biden speaks? I do!
Oh Boy: who in the hell does this "journalist" think he is to lecture the entire American Nation like this! I re-iterate Megyn Kelly's response to Dr Fauci "You don't get to tell us what to do" Same goes for Chris Cuomo. As for referring to "The Collective", I hope Americans realize what that refers to - and it's not good!
A collective pledge of allegiance?
This New World Order puppet has my fingered salute extended prominently, to him and his threat.
Now you see my past emphisis on the individual undertaking of individual life, individual liberty, and individual pursuit of happiness being justified.
How low has the Fourth Estate slumped, to call this shill of anti-american individualism a "journalist"?
This talking fool, without a microphone, would be little more than a propaganda street pampleteer, smearing socialist crap like butter on bread.
The urgency and finality in his verbal tripe, is a prelude appeal to collective mandates like the vaccination, and its documentation tattoo, the vaccination I.D. .
The NWO indeed knows , like Lucifer himself, their time is short to act in.
The Techno-Oligarchs latest attempt has been so clumsily orchestrated, that only We as willing dupes, can snatch its failure from the jaws of our victory, by listening and obeying.
Isn't that Kamala in the Background handling Joe?
I wonder if she is feeding directions into an earpiece during his recital,
(a small remote mic under the mask?)
or is just there to take over the podium if Joe suffers a meltdown?
A nation of lambs to the slaughter have been created.