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One of the few fun things about having an even split of 50/50 in the United States Senate, is having the party with the V.P. look ridiculous while setting up the rules for the 2-year session. This is why Mitch McConnell is a solid leader and helped usher in most of President Trump’s agenda the past four years. He knows how to work the margins and here is your latest example.

McConnell is asking for Chuck Schumer to put in writing that the legislative filibuster for the next two years will NOT be taken away from the minority. Schumer and the Demo-Crats are non too pleased with this and the disagreement had held up regular business in the Senate. Every day of a delay is a day Biden inc does not get what it wants.


From Politico 

Senate Democrats are signaling they will reject an effort by Mitch McConnell to protect the legislative filibuster as part of a deal to run a 50-50 Senate, saying they have little interest in bowing to his demands just hours into their new Senate majority.

McConnell has publicly and privately pressed Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer to work to keep the 60-vote threshold on most legislation as part of their power-sharing agreement. Democrats have no plans to gut the filibuster further, but argue it would be a mistake to take one of their tools off the table just as they’re about to govern.

Many Democrats argue that having the threat of targeting the filibuster will be key to forcing compromise with reluctant Republicans. They also believe it would show weakness to accede to McConnell’s demand as he’s relegated to minority leader.

“Chuck Schumer is the majority leader and he should be treated like majority leader. We can get shit done around here and we ought to be focused on getting stuff done,” said Sen. Jon Tester (D-Mont.). “If we don’t, the inmates are going to be running this ship.”

“It would be exactly the wrong way to begin,” said Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.). “We need to have the kind of position of strength that will enable us to get stuff done.”


What Tester and Blumenthal are gurgling about here is sheer nonsensical Washington D.C. claptrap fodder. How in the world are the Democrats going to be hurt if they agree to Mcconnells’ one request of keeping the filibuster for this session? How does that weaken them? Maybe they are thinking about eliminating the filibuster being they know in their heart of hearts they don’t have long to jam stuff down the American people’s throats.

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